Russia is manipulated by the same elite financial interests that control the West

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 2, 2024 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) Even the most astute among us can fall victim to a well-crafted deception, and I fear that this is precisely what is happening to many Westerners regarding the alleged “tensions” between Russia and the West. Many are well-versed in the machinations of the central banking cabal and its grip onContinue reading “Russia is manipulated by the same elite financial interests that control the West”

The Great Taking

25 dec 2023 The Great Taking’ – David Webb, a former hedge fund manager, and Wall Street insider, has blown the lid off a plan that the Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone. It’s a “scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financedContinue reading “The Great Taking”

All Wars Are Bankers Wars

17 oct 2023 Michael Rivero. A video by Zane Henry Productions–This is an old video from 2013, but it contains some excellent information. History is not what we have been told.–Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. A video by Zane Henry Productions I’ve made a new version of ‘All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars’ that containsContinue reading “All Wars Are Bankers Wars”

The Great Taking – The Plan To Hand Over YOUR Assets To The Banksters

oct 8 2023 This video was sent to me a few days ago. I have watched it several times & absolutely agree with the analysis. It is essential that you watch this video to understand what is going on at this time. I have spoken many times about the land structure in the UK &Continue reading “The Great Taking – The Plan To Hand Over YOUR Assets To The Banksters”

Are ALL Wars…Banker’s Wars? Say it Isn’t So!

Sep 14, 2023 I cannot recommend this highly enough. THIS is what sits behind everything that’s happening. I think there may be additional factors & motivations, but these (money & control) motives are sufficient to drive it all. Please watch & share the unbelievable truth. I’ve verified many parts of this separately, but I’d never seen itContinue reading “Are ALL Wars…Banker’s Wars? Say it Isn’t So!”

CBDCs: The Ultimate Tool Of Financial Intrusion

BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, AUG 10, 2023 Authored by Jonathan Newman via The Mises Institute, “Experts” at the Federal Reserve and other central banks proudly broadcast the potential “financial inclusion” that could be achieved with a central bank digital currency (CBDC). In the Fed’s main CBDC paper, “Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the AgeContinue reading “CBDCs: The Ultimate Tool Of Financial Intrusion”

Deputy managing director of the IMF, Bo Li, condition of borrowing money from the IMF.

May 05 2023 Deputy managing director of the IMF, Bo Li, admits that countries are required to enforce climate policies as a condition of borrowing money from the IMF. This is how they force everyone to adopt their net zero policies that will bankrupt all nations in order to give way to their Great Reset.


The Government’s plan to pilot a Central Bank Digital Currency by 2025 would threaten privacy like never before. Find out more, and join our campaign to stop the Spycoin! TAKE ACTION Learn more  No one has made the case for why the UK needs a “digital pound” – but it would come at a major cost toContinue reading “NO SPYCOIN”

JP Morgan CEO wants to confiscate private property to force urgent investment in “green energy”

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 2, 2023 • ( 16 COMMENTS ) JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who has been bought by the World Economic Forum, believes the US government should seize private property to combat climate change. This is not an exaggeration. In his annual letter to shareholders dated 4 April 2023, Dimon stated “governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations” may need to invoke “eminentContinue reading “JP Morgan CEO wants to confiscate private property to force urgent investment in “green energy””

I want to shout to the world the following

April 14 2023 We would like to share a reflection that has come to us… “Hello, my name is Sonia and I want to shout to the world the following: I don’t want to eat insects in 15-minute cities. I don’t want to be humiliated and reduced to the condition of an animal (animalism), makingContinue reading “I want to shout to the world the following”


10 april 2023 How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying AmericaAmerica’s economy is in shambles. . . . Its citizens are terrified and dissatisfied. . . . Could it all have been planned by a secret elite one hundred years ago? The New World Order. Hitler referred to it inContinue reading ” THE TRILLION DOLLAR CONSPIRACY “

“SVB Was Executed”, Big Bank Consolidation & The Financial Coup

March 31, 2023 Joining me today is returning guest Catherine Austin Fitts, here to discuss the recent banking scare, what’s really driving it, as well as the true motivations behind the seemingly world-wide push toward CBDCs, digital IDs and social credit. The financial side of this is what Catherine calls “the financial coup”, an integral part in theContinue reading ““SVB Was Executed”, Big Bank Consolidation & The Financial Coup”

‘Emergency’ Fed rate cut by June, only 6 U.S. banks will be left by 2025 paving way for CBDC

26 march 2023 Edward Dowd, Founder of Phinance Technologies and former BlackRock fund manager, and Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News, discuss the Federal Reserve’s latest rate hikes, and why Dowd thinks Fed Chair Powell will be “forced” to cut rates by June of 2023, leading to a “controlled implosion” of theContinue reading “‘Emergency’ Fed rate cut by June, only 6 U.S. banks will be left by 2025 paving way for CBDC”


march 24 2023 Banking Crisis On The Horizon?; States Mount Opposition to Federal Digital Currencies; German Network Profiles Vaccine-Injured HighWire-Style, German Health Minister Folds; This Doctor, and A-list Celebrity are on a mission to create the ‘home life’ for adults with Autism, and other special needs; Positive Development on HPV Vaccine Mandate Bill in CAContinue reading “BANKING ON OUR FUTURE”

Alternative Solutions to the Banking Crisis

21 march 2023 SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Ellen Brown, frequent Corbett Report guest and author of The Web of Debt and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age, joins us to discuss her latest articles on the bank runs that are leading us toward the event horizon of the quadrillion dollar derivativeContinue reading “Alternative Solutions to the Banking Crisis”

The US Business Model Is Collapsing

BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, MAR 21, 2023 – 01:20 PM Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Money is all theoretical… until it’s not. Paper money is bad enough, as France learned under the tutelage of the rascal John Law in the early 1700s. The nation was broke, exhausted by foolish wars, and heaped underContinue reading “The US Business Model Is Collapsing”

Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame – Part 1

Iain Davis Mar 2 2023 Central bank digital currency (CBDC) will end human freedom. Don’t fall for the assurances of safeguards, the promises of anonymity and of data protection. They are all deceptions and diversions to obscure the malevolent intent behind the global rollout of CBDC. Central Bank Digital Currency is the most comprehensive, far-reaching,Continue reading “Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame – Part 1”

Is this Theft? BANKS won’t give us our money

18 dec 2022 Two years ago, BitChute became the target of an activist group that attempted to shut us down by pressuring our suppliers. As a result, we lost some server hosting, our office space, and other suppliers. We also lost our bank account with HSBC. A bank account we had held in good standingContinue reading “Is this Theft? BANKS won’t give us our money”


December 1st, 2022. “The Shadow State,” a feature documentary by The Epoch Times, takes a deep dive inside the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industry, an emerging multitrillion-dollar power structure that unites governments with corporations in the march toward a brave new world of climate and social justice. See how it works, what its goalsContinue reading “THE SHADOW STATE: A FEATURE DOCUMENTARY BY THE EPOCH TIMES”


November 28th, 2022 Part 1 – WithdrawIf you have savings in the bank, consider withdrawing a decent amount of cash and putting it somewhere safe or investing it in something tangible. If you don’t have savings, consider taking out your wages every time you get paid. Part 2 – Reach OutReach out to at leastContinue reading “GLOBAL WALKOUT STEP 13 – ‘WITHDRAW AND REACH OUT’”

The Smart Money Nightmare: What Life Without Cash Could Mean for You

BY RHODA WILSON ON OCTOBER 11, 2022 • ( 15 COMMENTS ) It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean.   The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history. Richard Hall of Rich Planet TV has produced the videoContinue reading “The Smart Money Nightmare: What Life Without Cash Could Mean for You”

GLOBAL WALKOUT step 4 is here

25 sept 2022 Today is step 4 of the global walkoutThe fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank. Use these new accounts for your savings and transactions. If you run a business, move your business accounts as well and start payingContinue reading “GLOBAL WALKOUT step 4 is here

Eco-Fascist Mark Carney is Trying to Control the World Through Green Finance

BY RHODA WILSON ON AUGUST 30, 2022 • ( 5 COMMENTS ) Former Bank of England chief Mark Carney was the most influential central banker in the world. He has held the most senior positions in global central banking in the shortest period of time and is probably more responsible than any other figure – except possibly his billionaire partner Michael BloombergContinue reading “Eco-Fascist Mark Carney is Trying to Control the World Through Green Finance”

The Bankster Bailouts (2009)

aug 28 2022 FROM 2009: In this flashback to the Economics 101 series, Michel Chossudovsky of explains the circular mechanism by which the banks become creditors of the very government that is bailing them out and thus leverage financial power over the political system itself. A History Of Central Banking And The EnslavementContinue reading “The Bankster Bailouts (2009)”


aug 2022 “…Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They [the Jews] control both members of the House, and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, youContinue reading “THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION – PROTOCOL 1 – THE BASIC DOCTRINE – 1903”

Disturbing roots of Big Pharma, social credit and Great Reset illuminated in Indiana

by MARK ANDERSON Monday, 1st August 2022 This is the second instalment of UK Column’s firsthand coverage of the 8th Red Pill Expo put on by G. Edward Griffin‘s Freedom Force International in July 2022 in Indiana. Part I is here. Dr. David Martin, a patent researcher and educator, gave perhaps the most sobering remarks at the recent RedContinue reading “Disturbing roots of Big Pharma, social credit and Great Reset illuminated in Indiana”

Greenwashing at Its Finest: How Corporations Use Environmental Concerns to Scam You

The S&P 500 ESG Index is supposed to include only companies with strong environmental ethics and responsibility, but the reality is much different. Now the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is cracking down on ESG greenwashing on Wall Street by multiple mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs. 07/15/22 By  Dr. Joseph Mercola Miss a day, miss aContinue reading “Greenwashing at Its Finest: How Corporations Use Environmental Concerns to Scam You”

Bank of England tells ministers to intervene on digital currency ‘programming’

Programmable digital currency. True slavery. True fascism. Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible By Tim Wallace 21 June 2021 The Bank of England has called on ministers to decide whether a central bank digital currency should beContinue reading “Bank of England tells ministers to intervene on digital currency ‘programming’”

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world

28 june 2022 At first I thought this was funny….Then I realized the awful truth of it. Be sure to read all the way to the end! Tax his land,Tax his bed,Tax the tableAt which he’s fed. Tax his work,Tax his pay,He works for peanutsAnyway! Tax his cow,Tax his goat,Tax his pants,Tax his coat. TaxContinue reading “Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world”

BBC Lauds Implantable Microchip “Wallet”

BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, APR 23, 2022 Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, This is totally normal. The BBC reporting on people getting implanted with microchips in their arms in order to buy things. The article reads like an advert for the company Walletmor, which is offering to put the chips literally in people’s hands for justContinue reading “BBC Lauds Implantable Microchip “Wallet””

Commie Dan is passing a bill now which means you won’t be allowed to grow your own food

It’s going to be much more than just bank accounts folks…This country has lost its mind 🇦🇺 5 may 2022 Commie Dan is passing a bill now which means you won’t be allowed to grow your own food. The Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 has had it’s second reading in parliament. Biosecurity being the statedContinue reading “Commie Dan is passing a bill now which means you won’t be allowed to grow your own food”

They want to get rid of cash for a reason

28TH APRIL 2022 The disappearance of cash is accelerating and is an essential step in the move towards a digital world. It was one of the things I warned about in my first video ‘The Coronavirus Hoax’ back in March 2020. Small towns everywhere are now without a single bank. In Britain, half of theContinue reading “They want to get rid of cash for a reason”

The END of ATMs in Australia? Thousands of cash machines are removed across the country as banks go digital

ATM’s and bank branches across Australia are continuing to close at a rapid rate Switch by customers to digital banking seen ‘Big Four’ banks switch their focus ANZ head of distribution Kath Bray said changes were a clear sign of the times By ANDREW PRENTICE FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA PUBLISHED: 16:56 EST, 28 February 2022  As AustralianContinue reading “The END of ATMs in Australia? Thousands of cash machines are removed across the country as banks go digital”

This is the next stage in the global totalitarian – digital currency – central bank

Central Banks launch Digital Currencies – Perfect Technocratic Control by Ice Age Farmer | Dec 1, 2021 Every central bank in the world is rushing to launch a digital currency…but why? And who is pulling the strings behind the scenes? As it turns out, we don’t need a ‘social credit score’ when money itself isContinue reading “This is the next stage in the global totalitarian – digital currency – central bank”

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

11/24/2021 Whitney Webb return to the program to discuss her recent work on the “green” transformation of the global financial system. From NACs to GFANZ, Webb and Corbett break down the latest attempt to monopolize the world’s natural resources and how this financial scam represents the next step along the path to the Great Reset,Continue reading “Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet”

What is the “Global Public-Private Partnership”? The GPPP (CCP?)controls global finance and the world’s economy

Iain Davis Heads of UN and WEF signing “strategic partnership framework”, New York 2019 The Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) is a world-wide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners. This collective of stakeholders (the capitalists and their partners) comprises global corporations (including central banks), philanthropic foundations (multi-billionaire philanthropists), policy think-tanks, governments (and their agencies), non-governmental organisations, selectedContinue reading “What is the “Global Public-Private Partnership”? The GPPP (CCP?)controls global finance and the world’s economy”

The food supply and the Big 4 Banks in Australia now want you to pay for everything via a QR code based system

what does this mean ? i’ll tell you what it means … THIS is how they are going to stitch your cash supply to your covid vaccine passport status,if you are not vaccinated, you will have no access to your cash or food … soon, everyone will be cashless, and have a social score …Continue reading “The food supply and the Big 4 Banks in Australia now want you to pay for everything via a QR code based system”

Century of enslavement : Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America’sContinue reading “Century of enslavement : Federal Reserve”

It will end in 2025

It will end in 2025. As shown on p5 of this World Bank document.