Is this the smoking gun for the Covid lab leak? Blueprint for creating a ‘SARS-CoV’ virus with an altered spike protein in Wuhan was published in 2018, bombshell new records show

By ALEXA LARDIERI U.S. DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 16:27 EST, 19 December 2023 | UPDATED: 13:52 EST, 20 December 2023 A newly-uncovered trove of documents detailing plans to create a Covid-like virus in China months before the pandemic make the ‘lab leak almost certain’, experts say. The records – obtained now by FOIA requests – lay out a plan to ‘engineerContinue reading “Is this the smoking gun for the Covid lab leak? Blueprint for creating a ‘SARS-CoV’ virus with an altered spike protein in Wuhan was published in 2018, bombshell new records show”

The CIA, the FBI and their bots and the Mainstream Media claim that covid-19 was made in a lab – and they’re obviously wrong

24TH MARCH 2023 The conspirators are now enthusiastically promoting the idea that the covid-19 infection was man-made. They are doing this to restore fear in the virus and they’re keen to do this in order to have some success in promoting the lethal covid-19 jabs. The theory that covid-19 is a weapon was created toContinue reading “The CIA, the FBI and their bots and the Mainstream Media claim that covid-19 was made in a lab – and they’re obviously wrong”

The Origins of COVID-19

Mar 21 2023 The United States Government purports to be investigating the “origins of COVID-19”. But how do you investigate something that doesn’t exist? Unfortunately, many health “freedom” leaders are claiming that this is the smoking gun for gain of function lab leaks. Although, they admit that there has been a huge amount of fraud going on during theContinue reading “The Origins of COVID-19”

Pfizer Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines

To maintain the level of fear it is not necessary to mutate an actual virus. Just a new name will suffice. It’s all about perceived levels of threat. Pfake ? Pathological liars lie all the time but sometimes with elements of truth to cover up their earlier lies and perpetuate further deception. “oh what aContinue reading “Pfizer Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines”

10 Stories the Media Spun as Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True in 2022

January 3rd, 2023

CONFIRMED – COVID is Man-Made & Fauci, Bill Gates, Daszak & Moderna are responsible

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON OCTOBER 23, 2022 • ( 55 COMMENTS ) The US government funded Peter Daszak’s ECO Health Alliance to the tune of $61,491,183 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans. It also directly or indirectly funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of $7.4 million dollars to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans.Continue reading “CONFIRMED – COVID is Man-Made & Fauci, Bill Gates, Daszak & Moderna are responsible”

Wuhan Laboratory Found to Have Conducted Novel Monkeypox Research One Year Before Global Outbreak

by Kyle Becker 23 may 2022 In a scientific article in Virologica Sinica, the official journal of the Chinese Society of Microbiology, the authors explained the process for artificially engineering a monkeypox virus. The journal article was submitted by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, the State Key Laboratory of Virology and the ChineseContinue reading “Wuhan Laboratory Found to Have Conducted Novel Monkeypox Research One Year Before Global Outbreak”

COVID-19 is Man-Made: From Fauci, to Gates, to Daszak; a Timeline of Bio-Terror

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON APRIL 19, 2022  The US government funded Peter Daszak’s ECO Health Alliance to the tune of $61,491,183 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans. It also directly or indirectly funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of $7.4 million dollars to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans. MeanwhileContinue reading “COVID-19 is Man-Made: From Fauci, to Gates, to Daszak; a Timeline of Bio-Terror”

U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON APRIL 13, 2022  The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that theContinue reading “U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist”

Dr. Fauci SILENCED all Wuhan lab leak theories after being schmoozed by gain-of-function researcher Peter Daszak whose controversial bat experiments may have sparked the pandemic, new report claims

Investigators allege Dr. Anthony Fauci silenced any discussion about COVID being caused by a lab leak – and not through animal-to-human transmission Fauci also helped a controversial scientist get millions in federal funding to study bats, Vanity Fair researchers who analyzed more than 100,000 documents claim They also allege NIH funds may have contributed to the development ofContinue reading “Dr. Fauci SILENCED all Wuhan lab leak theories after being schmoozed by gain-of-function researcher Peter Daszak whose controversial bat experiments may have sparked the pandemic, new report claims”

Did China Stage the Videos of People Collapsing in Wuhan?

Published: April 2021 (upd.) Powered by Did China stage the early videos of people collapsing in Wuhan? Already in March 2020, SPR argued that the coronavirus situation appeared to show aspects of a possibly serious pandemic, a mass psychosis, and a psychological (i.e. propaganda) operation. Since the early days of the pandemic, many people have been wondering if theContinue reading “Did China Stage the Videos of People Collapsing in Wuhan?”

Gravitas: US officials knew about China’s Wuhan cover-up?

11 march 2022 Newly published documents from the US embassy in China reveal that US officials were aware of China’s cover-up in Wuhan. They flagged China’s incomplete health bulletins in January 2020.

Dr. Malone And EcoHealth Whistleblower Cover It All, CIA, Bioweapons, Wuhan Leak, Transhumanism And More [VIDEOS]

The deeper we dig, the worse it gets… BY ZACH HEILMANFEBRUARY 22, 2022 IMAGE CREDIT: ZACH HEILMAN While the Biden administration appears more concerned about enforcing mandates and pushing the COVID-19 jab on Americans, experts like Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent the mRNA technology, have passionately been seeking the truth surrounding the pandemic and its mysteriousContinue reading “Dr. Malone And EcoHealth Whistleblower Cover It All, CIA, Bioweapons, Wuhan Leak, Transhumanism And More [VIDEOS]”

Dr. Malone And EcoHealth Whistleblower Cover It All, CIA, Bioweapons, Wuhan Leak, Transhumanism And More [VIDEOS]

The deeper we dig, the worse it gets… BY ZACH HEILMANFEBRUARY 22, 2022 IMAGE CREDIT: ZACH HEILMAN While the Biden administration appears more concerned about enforcing mandates and pushing the COVID-19 jab on Americans, experts like Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent the mRNA technology, have passionately been seeking the truth surrounding the pandemic and its mysteriousContinue reading “Dr. Malone And EcoHealth Whistleblower Cover It All, CIA, Bioweapons, Wuhan Leak, Transhumanism And More [VIDEOS]”

EcoHealth Alliance: Whistleblower Exposes Corruption

For a better experience we invite you to see this article there : By  Wendi Strauch Mahoney February 9, 2022 A former executive of the EcoHealth Alliance has come forward as a material witness to claim “numerous unethical and criminal behaviors” took place during his tenure there. Andrew G. Huff, Ph.D., MS is the former VP ofContinue reading “EcoHealth Alliance: Whistleblower Exposes Corruption”

Ex-MI6 chief Richard Dearlove says Britain’s science sector has been compromised by ‘malign Chinese Communist influence’ which is why it parroted China’s party line that Covid did NOT leak from a Wuhan lab

Ex-MI6 boss said UK universities have become dependent on Chinese funding He raised concerns on whether Britain echoed China’s ‘information campaign’ Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is laboratory at the centre of alleged cover-up China has repeatedly insisted the virus spilled naturally into humans from bats  By Katie Weston For Mailonline 9 December 2021 Britain’sContinue reading “Ex-MI6 chief Richard Dearlove says Britain’s science sector has been compromised by ‘malign Chinese Communist influence’ which is why it parroted China’s party line that Covid did NOT leak from a Wuhan lab”

FDA document admits “Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else

A document just released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed not with actual samples, but rather with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus. In the FDA document, it is clearly stated that ordinary seasonalContinue reading “FDA document admits “Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else”

Newly Released Documents Show NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in China: Experts

BY ZACHARY STIEBER October 22, 2021 The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research in China that created a more potent form of a bat coronavirus, according to newly disclosed documents. An experiment conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, situated near where the first cases of COVID-19 were reported, compared mice infected with the originalContinue reading “Newly Released Documents Show NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in China: Experts”

Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL and happened in October 2019 at Military World Games in Wuhan – two months before China notified the world about virus

Defector Wei Jingsheng said virus may have first spread at military tournament Reports emerged in October 2019 athletes at event fell ill with mystery sickness Mr Jingsheng alleged China deliberately spread virus during Military Games  He claims he took his concerns to senior figures in the US gov but was ignored   By CHARLIE COË and LEVI PARSONS FORContinue reading “Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL and happened in October 2019 at Military World Games in Wuhan – two months before China notified the world about virus”

REVEALED: 26 out of the 27 Lancet scientists who trashed theory that Covid leaked from a Chinese lab have links to Wuhan researchers

The Lancet letter published in March 2020 called claims that Covid-19 originated in lab ‘conspiracy theories’ It was signed by 27 scientists from across the globe working in virology and other medical science fields The widely-read letter effectively ended all debate about origins of the global coronavirus pandemic Investigation by The Telegraph has found 26Continue reading “REVEALED: 26 out of the 27 Lancet scientists who trashed theory that Covid leaked from a Chinese lab have links to Wuhan researchers”


More than 900 pages of materials related to U.S.-funded coronavirus research in China were released following a FOIA lawsuit by The Intercept. Sharon Lerner, Mara HvistendahlSeptember 6 2021 NEWLY RELEASED DOCUMENTS provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailingContinue reading “NEW DETAILS EMERGE ABOUT CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH AT CHINESE LAB”

Fauci Lied – New Docs Showed Gain Of Function Research Funded By US In China

by CD Media Staff September 7, 2021 Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Gab TV, GETTR NEWLY RELEASED documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than nine hundred pages of documents detailing the work of the EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federalContinue reading “Fauci Lied – New Docs Showed Gain Of Function Research Funded By US In China”


August 21, 2021 10 min video: Fred CorbinHe has ⁣leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs “deleted” database!Vital information that proves, once again, this entire PLANdemic…Yet the “board” don’t want to know! WHY?

The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative, Debunked in 10 or 26 Minutes

30/06/2021 By Dr Thomas Binder MD, Dr Binder is specialised in Cardiology and Internal Medicine, with a thesis in Immunology and Virology, and 32 years experience in diagnosis and treatment of Acute Respiratory Illness. This text is largely based on his presentation (German text / German video) held at the press conference of ‘Aletheia – Medicine and Science for Proportionality’,Continue reading “The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative, Debunked in 10 or 26 Minutes”

British doctor Peter Daszak who tried to gag Wuhan lab leak theory is FIRED from UN commission investigating COVID after he was exposed for organizing letter denying leak claim in The Lancet medical journal

The British scientist’s profile on commission website now shows him as recused Daszak is president of New York-based EcoHealth Alliance, a medical nonprofit Earlier this month, it emerged he’d organized a letter co-signed by scientists and published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet denouncing lab leak theory Daszak did so despite having strong professional tiesContinue reading “British doctor Peter Daszak who tried to gag Wuhan lab leak theory is FIRED from UN commission investigating COVID after he was exposed for organizing letter denying leak claim in The Lancet medical journal”


Anthony Fauci is on video in 2017 predicting the current COVID outbreak. He would know, because he spent +$4 million at the Level 4 facility in Wuhan, China to bioengineer its so-called “gain of function”. And that was only one of similar bioweapons that he developed with US Tax Dollars. Also in 2017, Johns HopkinsContinue reading “WORLD SHOCKED BY SPARS 2025-2028 DOCUMENT, The New Pandemic”

COVID-19 Virus has a Genetic Feature Never Found in Nature that Lab Scientists Use to Track Engineered Viruses

8 June 2021 Medical doctor Steven Quay and Emeritus Professor Richard Muller have written an article in the Wall Street Journal in which they set out what they believe to be “the most compelling reason to favour the lab leak hypothesis”. It is the fact that SARS-CoV-2 has a genetic feature that has never been observed in natural SARS-likeContinue reading “COVID-19 Virus has a Genetic Feature Never Found in Nature that Lab Scientists Use to Track Engineered Viruses”

‘It looks a lot like perjury’: Tucker Carlson accuses Dr Fauci of lying to the Senate after emails reveal he feared Wuhan scientists were doing gain of function research – but he told lawmakers they weren’t

The Fox News host says a trove of emails from the country’s top disease expert indicates he lied about chances that the virus could be manmade  Some emails appear to indicate knowledge of government-funded collaboration with a Chinese lab in Wuhan of research into coronavirus transmission A senior virologist shared an article in another emailContinue reading “‘It looks a lot like perjury’: Tucker Carlson accuses Dr Fauci of lying to the Senate after emails reveal he feared Wuhan scientists were doing gain of function research – but he told lawmakers they weren’t”


4 June,2021 Last year, ICAN made FOIA requests to NIH for documents regarding COVID-19, including two requests for Anthony Fauci’s emails.  ICAN has received nearly 3,000 emails sent by Fauci from early February 2020 through May 2020.  Read what Fauci was saying privately about masks, therapeutics, vaccines, ventilators, and many other COVID-19 topics.  On AprilContinue reading “ICAN OBTAINS OVER 3,000 PAGES OF TONY FAUCI’S EMAILS”

The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins

Throughout 2020, the notion that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab was off-limits. Those who dared to push for transparency say toxic politics and hidden agendas kept us in the dark. BY KATHERINE EBAN JUNE 3, 2021 I. A Group Called DRASTIC Gilles Demaneuf is a data scientist with the Bank of New Zealand inContinue reading “The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins”


Published on September 30, 2020 Written by Dr James Fetzer A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘THE CORONA PANIC IS A PLAY. IT’S A SCAM. A SWINDLE. IT’S HIGH TIME WE UNDERSTOOD THAT WE’RE IN THE MIDST OF A GLOBAL CRIME.’ This largeContinue reading “PROOF THAT THE PANDEMIC WAS PLANNED & WITH PURPOSE”

Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 ‘To Cause Enemy’s Medical System To Collapse’

BY TYLER DURDEN, MAY 09, 2021 In 2015, Chinese military scientists discussed how to weaponze SARS coronaviruses, five years before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in Wuhan, China – where CCP scientists were collaborating with a US-funded NGO on so-called ‘gain of function’ research to make bat coronaviruses infect humans more easily. In a 263-page document, writtenContinue reading “Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 ‘To Cause Enemy’s Medical System To Collapse’”

(VIDEO) Exclusive Investigation: Separating rumor from fact on Covid-19’s origin

 MAY 5, 2021 Sharyl Attkisson investigates Covid-19 origins Numerous scientific insiders are signing onto the “lab origin” theory for Covid-19 and a link to controversial research funded by your tax dollars.  High profile health figures who have worked to “debunk” lab origin questions are linked to funding and vaccine research partnerships with China’s Wuhan InstituteContinue reading “(VIDEO) Exclusive Investigation: Separating rumor from fact on Covid-19’s origin”

German University Study: Most Likely COVID Came From Wuhan Lab Leak

A prominent German scientist with the University of Hamburg has released findings of a year long study that concludes the most likely cause of the coronavirus pandemic is a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The study, was overseen by Professor Dr. Roland Wiesendanger, a world renowned nanotechnology expert, and three-time awardee of the European ResearchContinue reading “German University Study: Most Likely COVID Came From Wuhan Lab Leak”