Playing God

28 april 2024 Playing God ( is a profoundly moving documentary that dives into the heart-wrenching journeys of families who have lost their loved ones to end-of-life drugs. Jacqui Deevoy, co-producer and presenter of the Ickonic film A Good Death?, has teamed up with award-winning directors Naeem and Ash Mahmood and co-producer Phil Graham toContinue reading “Playing God”

This is the deadliest drug ever in the history of medicine.

24 jan 2024 Dr James Thorp alerted the Massachusetts Legislature to the astonishing estimate that over half a billion were injured by the covid vaccine worldwide. Based on the highly regarded work of Denis Rancourt which estimated17 million deaths he applied an injury to death ratio of 33.4. as evidenced by Pfizer’s own documents. NoContinue reading “This is the deadliest drug ever in the history of medicine.”


28 dec 2023 Did you know that oil tycoon and business magnate John D. Rockefeller helped to remove “holistic” and “alternative” plant medicines from the teachings of medical professionals in the United States? That’s right! Most well-known for his career in big oil and the petroleum sector, Rockefeller, at the time of his death, wasContinue reading “HOW JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER INFLUENCED MODERN MEDICINE”

A Century of Rockefeller Medicine

NOVEMBER 14, 2023 Abraham Flexner. The World’s Work, 1910Medical Education in the United States and Canada;a report to the Carnegie Foundation for theAdvancement of Teaching by Abraham Flexner, 1910. Simon Flexner, Popular Science Monthly Volume 81Public Domain Created: 1 January 1912 A Century of Rockefeller Medicine by Liz Hodgson This may or may not come asContinue reading “A Century of Rockefeller Medicine”

The Truth About Antibiotics

oct 24 2023 Antibiotics are often hailed as one of the greatest discoveries of medical science. They are credited with saving scores of soldiers in the World War II era and millions of lives since then. However, there are major problems with this story that has been promulgated by the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry. InContinue reading “The Truth About Antibiotics”

COVID tops the list of the four greatest scams in the history of medicine – Tim Noakes’ unfiltered BNC#5 address

29th March 2023 by Nadya Swart Professor Tim Noakes returned to the public platform as a keynote speaker at the fifth BizNews Conference in March 2023. In this uncensored recording of his presentation, Noakes unequivocally yet calmly calls COVID the greatest scam in the history of medicine. Following the COVID crime scene, Noakes details three other egregious medicalContinue reading “COVID tops the list of the four greatest scams in the history of medicine – Tim Noakes’ unfiltered BNC#5 address”

Doctors, What Are They Good For?

Feb 23 2023 People keep asking me where they can find a good doctor. 🩺The real question they need to ask is whether they even need a doctor, because the medical system has become detached from health. But has this happened recently or did medicine go off the rails long ago?Watch to find out more…

Three methods of control: Medicine, censorship/propaganda and the WHO

Dr Meryl Nass – PANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES, 21st- 22nd January 2023 Video : “The general population don’t know what’s happening and they don’t even know that they don’t know”

Corruption of medicine by Big Pharma

December 2nd, 2022. TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEWS DR ASEEM MALHOTRA ON THE CORRUPTION OF MEDICINE BY BIG PHARMA Dr Aseem Malhotra says: “..I will do all in my power to ensure that we achieve justice for those who have suffered unnecessarily from an mRNA jab that should likely never have been approved & certainly not withoutContinue reading “Corruption of medicine by Big Pharma”

Difficult Times Ahead — How to Break Free From the System

STORY AT-A-GLANCE While natural medicine is often viewed with suspicion as something “novel” and “unproven,” it’s actually allopathic medicine that is the new kid on the block. Before John D. Rockefeller seized control over the medical industry 112 years ago, naturopathic-based herbal medicine, sun exposure and homeopathy were standard Today, the Rockefeller Foundation is partContinue reading “Difficult Times Ahead — How to Break Free From the System”


September 13th, 2021 Chapter One of a new documentary series about the occult history of the medical industrial complex, created by David Whitehead.Something is terribly wrong with our world. Deep down I am sure you feel it or you would not be watching a series like this. So strap yourself in. It is time weContinue reading “CULT OF THE MEDICS”

Politicizing medicine: FBI/DOJ/Court jail Dr Simone Gold for trespass

Posted by Eliyahu Tulshinski Thu, Jun 16, 2022 Judge weighed lack of remorse for deaths that didn’t happen Last month, an Ohio man was sentenced by a federal judge to 60 days in prison after he had to be restrained in his airplane seat with tape, during a flight in which he was,  drinking alcohol … came outContinue reading “Politicizing medicine: FBI/DOJ/Court jail Dr Simone Gold for trespass”