CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Case Alleging FDA Misused Emergency Power to Authorize COVID Shots for Children

Children’s Health Defense and five parents in January 2022 sued the FDA intending to hold the agency “accountable for its arbitrary and capricious authorization of a harmful drug that has and continues to injure children.” By  Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free. Children’sContinue reading ” CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Case Alleging FDA Misused Emergency Power to Authorize COVID Shots for Children”

Runaway Virology – Marvin Wins In Court

May 9, 2023 I last interviewed Marvin Haberland in October 2022, when he was challenging a court fine in Germany. He had deliberately broken “corona” legislation to expose the fraudulent nature of virology. He argued that because virology does not follow the scientific method, any penalty notices issued under their Infectious Diseases legislation were illegal.  Marvin finally wentContinue reading “Runaway Virology – Marvin Wins In Court”

Pfizer just lost in the UK Court case over misleading info about Covid vaccine safety

8 april 2023 Breaking News: Pfizer just lost in the UK Court case over misleading info about Covid vaccine safety. I agree with the OP that it should be headline news.Keep the pressure coming.Join Herbalism Healing group here:, The covid vaccines are 5G operating systems installed so that people can be triggered on command.Protect yourselfContinue reading “Pfizer just lost in the UK Court case over misleading info about Covid vaccine safety”

Johnson and Johnson agrees to pay $9BILLION to settle claims its baby powder caused cancer

By MANSUR SHAHEEN DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR FOR DAILYMAIL. UPDATED: 23:45 BST, 4 April 2023 Embattled big pharma company Johnson & Johnson is offering $8.9billion in damages to settle lawsuits alleging its talc-based baby powder caused cancer. The New Brunswick, New Jersey-based firm has filed for bankruptcy for a second time and offered the settlement to the aroundContinue reading “Johnson and Johnson agrees to pay $9BILLION to settle claims its baby powder caused cancer”

Courts Follow Culture — and the Culture Is Shifting

“Courts follow culture, and the good news is that culture is shifting, and the truth is coming out. The crumbling COVID-19 narrative and the trendline favor us, not the tyrants.” Mary Holland By  Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free. Editor’s Note: Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense presidentContinue reading “Courts Follow Culture — and the Culture Is Shifting”

Appeals court says U.S. cannot mandate federal contractor COVID vaccines

19 dec 2022 By David Shepardson [1/2] A lone protester stands outside the U.S. Supreme Court as it hears arguments against the Biden administration’s nationwide vaccine-or-testing COVID-19 mandates, in Washington, U.S., January 7, 2022. REUTERS WASHINGTON, Dec 19 (Reuters) – A U.S. appeals court on Monday said the White House could not require federal contractors to ensureContinue reading “Appeals court says U.S. cannot mandate federal contractor COVID vaccines”

Kari Lake’s Election Challenge Proceeds to Trial

DECEMBER 21, 2022 BY NEWS WIRE LEAVE A COMMENT  It seems that persistence pays. After two months of evidence collection and lobbying the courts, Arizona governor candidate, Kari Lake (R), is set to make her case for a stolen election in 2022. This case is unprecedented in modern American history – a major state-wide election fraud case isContinue reading “Kari Lake’s Election Challenge Proceeds to Trial”

Bill Gates challenged in Indian and French courts. Will justice prevail?

20 nov 2022 In this must watch interview, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed engages Adv Dipali Ojha, attorney Diane Protat, and journalist Xavier Azalbert about legal actions against controversial philanthro-capitalist Bill Gates. In India, he is being sued $125 million for a vaccine-related death of a 32 year old doctor. In France, he is being sued forContinue reading “Bill Gates challenged in Indian and French courts. Will justice prevail?”

Twitter and Facebook and YouTube lose; the First Amendment wins

25 sept 2022 The reason Google, YouTube and Facebook continue to have power is because foolish people continue to use them. If you want to stop the tyranny of Big Tech, stop using their platforms. Move to alternative platforms like Odysee, Bitchute, brighteon, Parler, Social, Telegram, Gab, Truth, etc. I’m astonished at how many peopleContinue reading “Twitter and Facebook and YouTube lose; the First Amendment wins”


September 18th, 2022. 5.5 years in jail for criticising the wrong people who are protected by the system. If this doesn’t open a lot of peoples eyes i don’t know what will. These are the times when… wait for this – opinions, beliefs and questions are a reason to lock someone up! Remember Djokovic beingContinue reading “KATIE HOPKINS ON THE “LAW”. YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO HEAR THIS. I THINK IT’S BEST NOT TO KNOW”

We’re Coming For Them: “They Will Not Be Able to Hide from the Courts”

“Remember, after Nuremberg, seven physicians swung.” The Vigilant Fox 30 aug 2022 Before we start discussing crimes against humanity, let’s take a trip back in time. The year was 1976 when we saw a nationwide campaign to vaccinate every American against the swine flu. At that time, we had about 220 million Americans, and aboutContinue reading “We’re Coming For Them: “They Will Not Be Able to Hide from the Courts””

Jury Hears Opening Statements in Latest Roundup Weedkiller Cancer Trial

A St. Louis jury on Wednesday heard opening statements in a new Roundup cancer trial, the latest in a long line-up of coming courtroom battles over allegations that Monsanto’s popular weedkiller causes cancer. 08/04/22 By  Carey Gillam Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free. A St. LouisContinue reading “Jury Hears Opening Statements in Latest Roundup Weedkiller Cancer Trial”

We finally won in Costa Rica against the ILLEGAL mandates for gene therapy experiments!

aug 4 2022 The President finally decreed the “vaccinations” are ILLEGAL!!!!! Just got off the phone with the presidents attorney (we have been diplomatically working with them for months) and YES INTEREST OF JUSTICE IS SUING AND HOLDING EVERYONE RESPONSIBLE. To everyone who got us this far by supporting us – we LOVE you allContinue reading “We finally won in Costa Rica against the ILLEGAL mandates for gene therapy experiments!”

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

In an interview with The Defender, the lawyer representing whistleblower Brook Jackson said Pfizer is arguing the court should dismiss Jackson’s lawsuit alleging fraud in Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials because the U.S. government knew about the wrongdoings but continued to do business with the vaccine maker. By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Miss a day, miss aContinue reading “Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud”

Politicizing medicine: FBI/DOJ/Court jail Dr Simone Gold for trespass

Posted by Eliyahu Tulshinski Thu, Jun 16, 2022 Judge weighed lack of remorse for deaths that didn’t happen Last month, an Ohio man was sentenced by a federal judge to 60 days in prison after he had to be restrained in his airplane seat with tape, during a flight in which he was,  drinking alcohol … came outContinue reading “Politicizing medicine: FBI/DOJ/Court jail Dr Simone Gold for trespass”

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History

29 may 2022 It’s hardly a secret that Pfizer has faced so many lawsuits throughout its industrious history that it’s difficult to count them all. It paid a record-breaking $2.3 billion fine for fraud in 2009. As part of that settlement, Pfizer paid a $1.13 billion criminal fine. To put a finer spin on it,Continue reading “Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History”

The Pfizer documents produce their first major results

But first…why haven’t you even heard of them? Phil Harper May 28 2022, “The Pfizer documents” are likely to become one of the largest stories of the decade, and yet, for those not actively working on it, you’re almost certain to have never heard about them. This article is my ‘on ramp’ to bring youContinue reading “The Pfizer documents produce their first major results”


May 19th, 2022 When will American courts do the same? Citing over 10,000 deaths and 1,000,000 adverse events, Italian court ends Covid shot mandates, comparing them to Nazism.

Couple who were fined £35,000 for refusing to close their gift card shop during Covid lockdowns because they said it also sold ‘essential’ items WIN court appeal against their conviction 

28 Feb 2022 A married couple who were fined £35,000 for refusing to close their gift card shop during the Covid lockdowns because they said it also sold essential items have won a court appeal against their conviction.  Alasdair Walker-Cox, 55 and wife Lydia, 51, were fined after they stayed open despite non-essential shops beingContinue reading “Couple who were fined £35,000 for refusing to close their gift card shop during Covid lockdowns because they said it also sold ‘essential’ items WIN court appeal against their conviction “

Ontario Superior Court Judge rules in favour of a mother to NOT vaccinate her children

March 1st 2022 The judge ruled that the mother shall have sole decision-making authority with respect to the issue of administering COVID vaccines for the children. The judge agreed that the mother’s current concerns about the vaccines are entirely understandable, given the credible warnings and commentary provided by reputable sources who are specifically acquainted withContinue reading “Ontario Superior Court Judge rules in favour of a mother to NOT vaccinate her children”

Biden Administration Urges Court Not to Allow Release of Sealed Report on Dominion Voting Machines

By Zachary Stieber February 12, 2022 Updated: February 14, 2022 Top officials at a U.S. federal cybersecurity agency are urging a judge not to authorize at this time the release of a report that analyzes Dominion Voting Systems equipment in Georgia, arguing doing so could assist hackers trying to “undermine election security.” The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was recentlyContinue reading “Biden Administration Urges Court Not to Allow Release of Sealed Report on Dominion Voting Machines”

Facebook court filing admits ‘fact checks’ are just a matter of opinion

December 10th, 2021 By Thomas Lifson Surprisingly little attention is being paid to a bombshell admission made by the attorneys representing the corporation formerly known as Facebook, Inc., which has now transitioned into Meta Platforms, Inc. In a court filing responding to a lawsuit filed by John Stossel claiming that he was defamed by a “fact check” Facebook usedContinue reading “Facebook court filing admits ‘fact checks’ are just a matter of opinion”

Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin

By Matthew Vadum December 1, 2021 Updated: December 3, 2021 biggersmallerPrint An elderly COVID-19 patient has recovered after a court order allowed him to be treated with ivermectin, despite objections from the hospital in which he was staying, according to the family’s attorney. After an Illinois hospital insisted on administering expensive remdesivir to the patientContinue reading “Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin”

Bayer Loses Again! Heads to Supreme Court for Glyphosate Lawsuits

By Ty & Charlene BollingerSeptember 2, 2021 TTAC is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats.  Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list.  It’s free. In a final, desperate attempt to avoid billions of dollars of liability, Bayer hasContinue reading “Bayer Loses Again! Heads to Supreme Court for Glyphosate Lawsuits”

Lawyer Anna De Buisseret: “Deaths From Covid-19 Vaccination Program Fits the Definition of Genocide”

BY CAPTAINDARETOFLY ON SEPTEMBER 6, 2021 • Listen Now  In an interview with Unity News Network (UNN), Senior Employment lawyer Anna De Buisseret discussed the ongoing court case regarding the decision to roll out the Covid-19 vaccines to teens and children. The senior UK lawyer said: “We are taking it to court, proceedings have been issued for judicial reviewContinue reading “Lawyer Anna De Buisseret: “Deaths From Covid-19 Vaccination Program Fits the Definition of Genocide””

Lawyers worldwide submit new evidence to International Criminal Court alleging World Leaders & Scientific Advisors have used Covid-19 & the Injections to commit Genocide and Crimes against Humanity

BY DAILY EXPOSE ON AUGUST 18, 2021 • Listen Now  New evidence, including sworn affidavits from leading experts such as Professor Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court by lawyers in several countries alleging Government’s across the world and their advisors are complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code. AttorneyContinue reading “Lawyers worldwide submit new evidence to International Criminal Court alleging World Leaders & Scientific Advisors have used Covid-19 & the Injections to commit Genocide and Crimes against Humanity”

Court Orders Feds to Disclose Identities of Ghislaine Maxwell’s “Unnamed Co-Conspirators”

By Cristina LailaPublished September 3, 2021 A federal judge ordered the feds to disclose the identities of Ghislaine Maxwell’s “unnamed co-conspirators.” Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime pal of Bill Clinton, is currently in federal custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York awaiting trial. Maxwell worked as Jeffrey Epstein’s pimp for years and the DOJContinue reading “Court Orders Feds to Disclose Identities of Ghislaine Maxwell’s “Unnamed Co-Conspirators””


June 4th, 2021 Houston Methodist Hospital became the first medical center to mandate employees get the experimental #Covid19 vaccine, which didn’t go over well with the staff. Jennifer Bridges, R.N., is leading the charge, along with 116 hospital employees, filing a lawsuit against the vaccine requirement as a condition of employment.


BIG BROTHER WATCH TEAM / MAY 25, 2021 UK mass surveillance found unlawful by Europe’s highest human rights court The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights today ruled that the UK’s mass interception programmes, disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, unlawfully breached citizens’ rights to privacy and free expression. Campaign groups BigContinue reading “UK MASS SURVEILLANCE FOUND UNLAWFUL BY EUROPE’S HIGHEST HUMAN RIGHTS COURT”