Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake. There was no pandemic.

A summary of PANDA’s position statement of 1 March 2024 JONATHAN ENGLER APR 09, 2024 A full version of our position statement can be read here. Note: The above (deliberately) does not address the questions as to why the fraud was perpetrated, nor the role of the vaccine programme within it. https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/every-single-aspect-of-the-covid?triedRedirect=true

Number 10 Whistle-blower reveals masks, social distancing etc was a PANTOMIME!

16 June, 2023  David Clews It isn’t a contest to see who was awake first but in March 2020 I did my job and questioned the narrative. I spoke out against all those clamouring for government intervention and as a point of principle said that giving them the power to lock people in their homesContinue reading “Number 10 Whistle-blower reveals masks, social distancing etc was a PANTOMIME!”


nov 8 2022 “Amnesty”???? Do any of the perpetrators in this video compilation deserve Amnesty for their actions, words, threats etc? What do YOU think? Let’s debate it!!! “We Must Never Forget You will see that this video evidence clearly demonstrates that various forms of: and other such methods being used to gain “consent” toContinue reading “WE MUST NEVER FORGET”


October 5th, 2022 Covid-19 was not a killer virus. The MSM was the real virus. When the CDC, NHS, and other ‘health care’ organisations did a recount of the amount of deaths truly connected to Covid-19, it turned out to be nothing more than a mild flue. How did the authorities brainwash the people intoContinue reading “THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL – PART 25: COVID-19 – TORTURE PROGRAM”

The CDC Finally Grows Up

By Sidney Powell, 15 August, 2022 Dear Patriots, We are thrilled that the CDC is at long last making decisions about Covid-CCP that make sense. It has been a long two years of very bad decisions from this government agency. We continue to watch the interesting fall-out from the raid of President Trump’s home and also moreContinue reading “The CDC Finally Grows Up”

13 Studies Reveal How Social Distancing (i.e., Social Isolation) Can Increase Mortality

April 3rd 2020  Written By:  GMI Reporter “A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ” – John Steinbeck Hundreds of millions of adults and children are now either in quarantine in their homes, or engaged in “essential” travel in the public sphere, while maintaining an unnatural distance from one another, because they haveContinue reading “13 Studies Reveal How Social Distancing (i.e., Social Isolation) Can Increase Mortality”

Social distancing and face masks should stay FOREVER says Communist SAGE committee member Professor Susan Michie

Professor Susan Michie said she thinks the restrictions should become routine She said we never used to ‘pick up dog poo in the park’ but learned to over time It comes as the UK waits to see if PM will stick to roadmap and open on June 21 By JAMES GANT FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED:  10 JuneContinue reading “Social distancing and face masks should stay FOREVER says Communist SAGE committee member Professor Susan Michie”


WITH LAURA DODSWORTH 1hour 10 min video A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic Fear has, as we know, been the key driver underpinning the relentless Covid-19 response and on the Pandemic Podcast we’ve already taken several deep dives into its devastating — and continuing — impact. ButContinue reading “WHO HAS BEEN PULLING THE STRINGS OF FEAR?”

German judge declares masks harmful, warns that mask mandates are illegal

Wednesday, June 02, 2021 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) A Weimar District Court in Germany has ruled that enforcing mask mandates, social distancing requirements and rapid Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) testing on students is harmful, and thus illegal. Distance learning must also stop, the court decided, because it, along with the other measures, is causing physical, psychological and pedagogicalContinue reading “German judge declares masks harmful, warns that mask mandates are illegal”

The Myth of the ‘Asymptomatic Spreader’ Dealt Another Blow This Week

MAY 24, 2021 BY NEWS WIRE Since the pandemic crisis began in early 2020, government and public health officials have been adamant that any difficult measures taken were all being done in order to ‘control the spread of the virus’ or ‘stop the disease.’ Thus, a litany of so-called non-pharmaceutical interventions, and also pharmaceutical interventions – wereContinue reading “The Myth of the ‘Asymptomatic Spreader’ Dealt Another Blow This Week”