New Documents Reveal Training Materials Explaining to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How They Can Register to Vote in DC Elections

By Cristina Laila May. 14, 2024 12:00 pm Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained documents explaining to noncitizens and illegal aliens how they can register to vote in local DC elections. A federal judge last year upheld a Washington DC law that allows noncitizens – including illegal aliens – to vote in municipal elections. US District Judge for theContinue reading “New Documents Reveal Training Materials Explaining to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How They Can Register to Vote in DC Elections”

American Totalitarian “Crypto Dollar” May Come Before the Election

BY AARON DAY  FEBRUARY 20, 2024  CENSORSHIP, ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENT, TECHNOLOGY  14 MINUTE READ Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) threaten to replace the cash we use with programmable, trackable, and censorable tokens controlled by governments. Your financial choices could be suppressed, and privacy eliminated. Based on what I’ve learned and experienced directly, this could happen before the 2024 election. The best way toContinue reading “American Totalitarian “Crypto Dollar” May Come Before the Election”


Feb 19 2024 TUCKER CARLSON: MIKE BENZ ON THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy.”

1 – How to Win the US Presidency

The upcoming elections have never been more important. Again. JOHN DROZ JR. JAN 11, 2024 {This is the first installment of a four part series on the upcoming 2024 US elections.} There are few things more important for us to apply Critical Thinking to than who we should elect as our next President. My takeContinue reading “1 – How to Win the US Presidency”

Top Whistleblower Makes Explosive Revelations Dubbed CTIL Files Regarding Secret Anti-Disinformation Group Created For Censorship Purposes

Dr. Hura Anwar11/29/2023 A top whistleblower is bringing to attention a revolutionizing array of secret documents that could even serve as competition for Twitter Files and even Facebook Files. Prominent journalist Michael Shellenberger put out his latest investigation on this front and how his latest CTIL files were put together with the help of fellow colleagues. FromContinue reading “Top Whistleblower Makes Explosive Revelations Dubbed CTIL Files Regarding Secret Anti-Disinformation Group Created For Censorship Purposes”

Follow The Damn Rules

So you thought the United States has had “issues” with election integrity? The World Health Organization has figured out how to pretend to adopt amendments without even conducting a vote at all. JAMES ROGUSKI NOV 28, 2023 Please watch the video below… It must be concluded that the amendments to the International Health RegulationsContinue reading “Follow The Damn Rules”

RFK Jr. Launches Presidential Campaign, Vows to Reduce Chronic Disease in Children

04/20/23 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Wednesday officially launched his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president, telling an overflow crowd in Boston that if he has not “significantly dropped the level of chronic disease in our children by the end of my first term, I do not want you to reelect me.” By  TheContinue reading “RFK Jr. Launches Presidential Campaign, Vows to Reduce Chronic Disease in Children”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Bid

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense, in Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 6, 2023. (York Du/The Epoch Times) By Gary Bai and Jan Jekielek April 5, 2023 Updated: April 7, 2023 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., best known for his positions on environmental law and vaccine safety, filed the paperwork to run in theContinue reading “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Bid”

Ranked-Choice Voting: The Latest Elite Fad Pushing Toward Social Disintegration

Voting booths are seen at Glass Elementary School’s polling station in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Nov. 8, 2022. (Mark Felix/AFP via Getty Images) By Siri Terjesen and Michael Ryall March 10, 2023 When society has widespread faith that its institutions and the experts who guide public policy are unbiased, its people can tolerate a lot—even when things don’tContinue reading “Ranked-Choice Voting: The Latest Elite Fad Pushing Toward Social Disintegration”

Kari Lake: Our Children Will Be Living in a Communist Country If We Don’t Stand Up and Fix Our Elections

Jan 16 2023 “They are running our elections like they do in Venezuela — like they do in North Korea. And if we don’t stand up and fix it now, our children will be living in a communist country.”

Kari Lake’s Election Challenge Proceeds to Trial

DECEMBER 21, 2022 BY NEWS WIRE LEAVE A COMMENT  It seems that persistence pays. After two months of evidence collection and lobbying the courts, Arizona governor candidate, Kari Lake (R), is set to make her case for a stolen election in 2022. This case is unprecedented in modern American history – a major state-wide election fraud case isContinue reading “Kari Lake’s Election Challenge Proceeds to Trial”

Georgia Supreme Court Reverses ‘Lack Of Standing’ In 2020 Election Case

William Quinn December 20, 2022 Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Gab TV, GETTR, Truth Social, Twitter UPDATE 2130 EST – Update:  It has been confirmed that today’s Supreme Court order also applies to the case of Garland Favorito et al. v. Alex Wan et al.  as both cases were originally dismissed under the same premise.  UPDATE 1512 EST – Letters to preserveContinue reading “Georgia Supreme Court Reverses ‘Lack Of Standing’ In 2020 Election Case”

FBI Agent Testimony: Warnings of a “hack and leak” ahead of the Hunter Biden revelations

Analyzing the deposition of FBI Agent Francis Chan Techno Fog Dec 6 2022 Today, we learned more about the FBI’s influence operation during the 2020 election election. Yesterday, as part of a civil rights suit against the Biden Administration, Missouri Attorney General (and Senator-elect) Eric Schmitt released the deposition transcript of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And justContinue reading “FBI Agent Testimony: Warnings of a “hack and leak” ahead of the Hunter Biden revelations”

‘Twitter Files’: A Tale of Censorship, Secret Blacklists, Shadow Banning and Government Collusion

12/09/22 A second batch of “Twitter files” released Thursday reveals how the platform maintained “secret blacklists” and engaged in “shadow banning.” Files released previously included evidence of election interference and widespread censorship of COVID-19-related information that didn’t fit the accepted government narrative. By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Elon Musk credit: Samferdselsdepartementet/flickr Miss a day, miss aContinue reading “‘Twitter Files’: A Tale of Censorship, Secret Blacklists, Shadow Banning and Government Collusion”

Elon Musk: Twitter ‘Has Interfered in Elections’

November 30, 2022 Twitter owner Elon Musk on Wednesday wrote that the social media company’s previous management “interfered in elections” after the former head of its security team lobbed accusations against the Tesla CEO. In a Twitter thread on a Reuters report in which Yoel Roth—Twitter’s former head of trust and safety—said Twitter is notContinue reading “Elon Musk: Twitter ‘Has Interfered in Elections’”

Shocking Investigation discovers a World-Wide Shadow Government has infiltrated “Elected” Governments & Public Health Institutions & built a Global Vaccine Regime

BY RHODA WILSON ON NOVEMBER 27, 2022 • ( 33 COMMENTS ) The same organisations that have an interest in vaccinations today also had a lot of influence in laying the groundwork decades ago.  People tend to think of these large and well-known organisations – such as Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, the World Bank –Continue reading “Shocking Investigation discovers a World-Wide Shadow Government has infiltrated “Elected” Governments & Public Health Institutions & built a Global Vaccine Regime”

“Brazilian Military is Just Waiting for Bolsonaro to Give the Order to Arrest Corrupt Communist Judge”

By Richard AbelsonPublished November 22, 2022 at 2:00pmComment Brazilian journalist Allan Dos Santos: “The military are not going to let Brazil become a Communist country.” Brazilian Truckers are blockading roads and ports while a Federal Judge had to step down for allegedly discussing a military coup with President Jair Bolsonaro. The head of Bolsonaro-allied Liberal PartyContinue reading ““Brazilian Military is Just Waiting for Bolsonaro to Give the Order to Arrest Corrupt Communist Judge””

Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil

November 19th, 2022 Despite the mainstream media blackout, the world is taking notice of the massive demonstrations taking place across Brazil in protest of the elections that were stolen from Jair Bolsonaro last month.

“Election Fraud”: Why is Google Covering Up The Explosion of Search Traffic On this Topic?

Sun, Nov 13 2022 Sayer Ji, founder of,, and co-founder of Stand For Health Freedom, shares his concerning finding that Google is back at it again, manipulating search results to coverup the true volume of interest in topics, such as election fraud and voting problems that are being searched at unprecedented volumes not only in theContinue reading ““Election Fraud”: Why is Google Covering Up The Explosion of Search Traffic On this Topic?”

Google Rigged The 2020 Election

Senior Google engineer, Zach Vorhies, leaked 950 pages of internal documents that prove Google used censorship, blacklist, and machine learning algorithms to rig the 2020 election. KanekoaTheGreat Sep 21 2022 For many of us, using the internet means using Google. As the number one visited website in the world Google receives 5.6 billion searches per day controllingContinue reading “Google Rigged The 2020 Election”

 Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms

sept 2 2022 Gab Community, I’m writing to update you on the progress Gab has made over the summer and on our plans for the fall and into election season. Let me start off by saying that while Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms, Gab will once again be the only platform allowingContinue reading ” Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms”

Excerpts of Congressional Testimony of Voting Machine Manipulation and More

June 15, 2022 For years Congress and many Democrats have frequently spoken of voting machines being able to alter votes and outcomes. Video:

The 2022 US Midterm Election Is About Stopping the Pharma Genocide

BY RHODA WILSON ON JUNE 22, 2022  The FDA and CDC have launched a reckless nationwide medical experiment on children, Dr. Toby Rogers wrote, this is a massacre of the innocents. “The federal government’s massacre of the innocents began Monday 19 June 2022.” He was referring to the meetings held by the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”)Continue reading “The 2022 US Midterm Election Is About Stopping the Pharma Genocide”

74 Harvesting and Mule Rings: Where They Were, How They Did It, And The Impact – Our Work is Now Corroborated

Topic: Elections Capt. Seth Keshel May 14 2022 4415 The best way to understand the dysfunctional 2020 election is to see that California’s election processes, shortcuts, tricks, tactics, techniques, and procedures were exported to the entire nation, against the laws of most states.  One of the major election tricks championed by California’s renegade government isContinue reading “74 Harvesting and Mule Rings: Where They Were, How They Did It, And The Impact – Our Work is Now Corroborated”

CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Claims Credit For Trump Loss

BY TYLER DURDEN WEDNESDAY, MAR 30, 2022 – 03:11 AM Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing the 2020 election from former President Donald Trump. “I takeContinue reading “CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Claims Credit For Trump Loss”

110 Articles Affirm America’s Computerized Voting System Is Online, Compromised, and Vulnerable To Hackers: Documented, Linked, and Quoted

KanekoaTheGreat March 29 2022 “Forty-three percent of American voters use voting machines that researchers have found have serious security flaws including backdoors. These companies are accountable to no one. They won’t answer basic questions about their cyber security practices and the biggest companies won’t answer any questions at all. Five states have no paper trailContinue reading “110 Articles Affirm America’s Computerized Voting System Is Online, Compromised, and Vulnerable To Hackers: Documented, Linked, and Quoted”

Biden Administration Urges Court Not to Allow Release of Sealed Report on Dominion Voting Machines

By Zachary Stieber February 12, 2022 Updated: February 14, 2022 Top officials at a U.S. federal cybersecurity agency are urging a judge not to authorize at this time the release of a report that analyzes Dominion Voting Systems equipment in Georgia, arguing doing so could assist hackers trying to “undermine election security.” The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was recentlyContinue reading “Biden Administration Urges Court Not to Allow Release of Sealed Report on Dominion Voting Machines”

EXCLUSIVE: Every news media who secretly took Trudeau’s $61M pre-election pay-off

Ezra Levant has the list of journalists who secretly took a $61-million pre-election pay-off from Justin Trudeau. READ THE FULL REPORT ► 13 min video: