There are many signs that this is a big hoax

Feb 1st 2022 When you enter a restaurant, you need to wear a mask. As soon as you sit down to eat, you can take it off ( – see bullet point #3). There is no single virus that solely hovers at an altitude of 1.50m and above or double-checks whether someone is eating/drinking beforeContinue reading “There are many signs that this is a big hoax”

Australia – Permit required to leave home to work, curfew, and face masks no longer allowed to be removed outside to drink alcohol despite just 5 people being in hospital

BY DAILY EXPOSE ON AUGUST 16, 2021 • Listen Now  Melbourne, Australia is currently in its sixth lockdown despite a grand total of 5 people being in hospital due to the alleged Covid-19 disease in the whole state it resides in, Victoria. Now the Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews has announced new stricter lockdown measures in response to theContinue reading “Australia – Permit required to leave home to work, curfew, and face masks no longer allowed to be removed outside to drink alcohol despite just 5 people being in hospital”