Who Controls the News Controls the World

25 sept 2022 I noticed a funny thing when browsing the propaganda newswires lately: all of the stories about the Queen’s death said the exact same thing! What’s going on here, and why does it matter? Join James for a wild ride through the history of newswires and the formation of the fire-induced collapse hypothesisContinue reading “Who Controls the News Controls the World”

AP Forced to Issue Correction on Fake News About Ivermectin

by Paul Joseph Watson September 8th 2021 Falsely claimed 70% of calls to Mississippi Poison Control Center were about ivermectin. The Associated Press was forced to issue a correction after it falsely claimed that 70 per cent of calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were about people ingesting ivermectin to treat COVID-19. The actual numberContinue reading “AP Forced to Issue Correction on Fake News About Ivermectin”