Your Government is being led by a Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders that includes Macron, Trudeau, Ardern & Johnson

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 • ( 23 COMMENTS ) How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the Covid pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managedContinue reading “Your Government is being led by a Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders that includes Macron, Trudeau, Ardern & Johnson”

Sen. Johnson and Dr. Pierre Kory on the impact of censorship in fight against COVID-19

The truth about ivermectin. Yes fauci is being used as a scapegoat, good riddance to him, and there will be more taken down. Also discussed big tech and msm censorship. The cracks are starting to show.