“Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children”-like disease after COVID-19 vaccination:

26 dec 2023 A 12 year-old boy. Multiple organ systems were affected, which led to … liver failure & altered blood coagulation due to the dysregulation of the immune system.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38136038/ “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children”-Like Disease after COVID-19 Vaccination (MIS-V) with Potential Significance of Functional Active Autoantibodies Targeting G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR-fAAb) for Pathophysiology andContinue reading ““Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children”-like disease after COVID-19 vaccination:”

15 Ways the COVID Shots Injure and KiII: Insights from Dr. Ryan Cole

6 dec 2023 1. Nanoparticle Usage: Dr. Cole states that nanoparticles used in vaccines are labeled for research only, not for human or veterinary use, yet were administered globally. 2. Persistence of Synthetic RNA: Citing a Stanford study, Dr. Cole mentions that synthetic RNA from the vaccine persists in the body for at least twoContinue reading “15 Ways the COVID Shots Injure and KiII: Insights from Dr. Ryan Cole”

The Eternal Dangers of RNA-Vaccines

ByDoctors For Covid Ethics September 19, 2023 Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Karina Reiss PhD and Michael Palmer MD This open letter explains the dangers posed by mRNA vaccines, namely, that cells and tissues which take up the vaccine particles will suffer destruction at the hands of the immune system, and furthermore that cells which evade destructionContinue reading “The Eternal Dangers of RNA-Vaccines”


Sept 1st 2023 Dr. John Campbell Natural Immunity 27 Times Better For Protection Of Virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Naturally Acquired Immunity versus Vaccine-induced Immunity, Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Abstract Background Waning of protection against infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) conferred by 2 dosesContinue reading “NATURAL IMMUNITY WINS”

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds

Three Years Late, the Lancet Recognizes Natural Immunity The public-health clerisy rediscovers a principle of immunology it derided throughout the pandemic. By Allysia Finley Feb. 26, 2023 The Lancet medical journal this month published a review of 65 studies that concluded prior infection with Covid—i.e., natural immunity—is at least as protective as two doses of mRNAContinue reading “Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds”

Eric Clapton: “I can’t sleep because of the pain…the vaccine took my immune system and just shook it around”

Eric Clapton bravely discusses his neurological COVID-19 vaccine injuries Dr. William Makis MD Feb 10 2023 Why does Eric Clapton’s story matter? He may have been injured by two doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, but this is not just an “AstraZeneca issue”. This is a spike protein issue – regardless of the platform that delivers theContinue reading “Eric Clapton: “I can’t sleep because of the pain…the vaccine took my immune system and just shook it around””

Side effects – what can we expect from the future? 

Ludmilla Morozova-Roche and Jonathan Gilthorpe lead a panel discussion with Ann-Cathrin Engwall, Ryan Cole, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Arne Burkhardt and Michael Palmer – PANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES, 21st- 22nd January 2023


January 26th, 2023. An illustration of how the chemical bombardment we currently face in our food has led to an increase in mental health issues, autism and depopulation.


January 4th, 2023 Professor Shigetoshi Sano, M.D., Ph.finds that mRNA Covid shots cause immune suppression, and subsequently cause other disease like shingles. He concluded that vaccinated people are more likely to get Covid. Watch the video for evidence

20 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Right Now!

By Ty & Charlene BollingerNovember 5, 2022 Share this article on Telegram TTAC is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats.  Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list.  It’s free. If you are using the principles of natural healthContinue reading “20 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Right Now!”

Confidential Pfizer Docs & Official Gov. Reports confirm Covid-19 Vaccination is destroying Immune Systems, killing Hundreds of Thousands & causing Infertility, Stillbirths & Cancer

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON NOVEMBER 6, 2022 • ( 15 COMMENTS ) In 2020, your freedoms and liberties were taken away because of an alleged pandemic. You were then told that the answer to regaining those freedoms and liberties was to take an experimental injection that had not yet finished clinical trials. Your Government lied to you about the severity of theContinue reading “Confidential Pfizer Docs & Official Gov. Reports confirm Covid-19 Vaccination is destroying Immune Systems, killing Hundreds of Thousands & causing Infertility, Stillbirths & Cancer”


October 30th, 2022. “World renowned microbiologist and virologist professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD has won many medical and scientific awards and has more than 300 peer reviewed research papers. Dr. Bhakdi was one of the first top global doctors to warn about the deadly and debilitating effects of the CV19 vax. He was right. Dr. BhakdiContinue reading “CV19 VAX DESTROYS HEARTS & BRAINS OF BILLIONS OF PEOPLE – DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI”

The best vaccine data set in the world

Sep 15 2022 Why I’m an abolitionist Toby Rogers I. The best vaccine data set in the world The Bandim Health Project (BHP) in Guinea-Bissau (west Africa) has the best data set in the world on vaccine benefits and harms. Founded in 1978 by legendary Danish doctor and anthropologist Peter Aaby, the Bandim Health Project is aContinue reading The best vaccine data set in the world

Covid Vaccine Destroys Natural Immunity, NEJM Study Shows

BY WILL JONES 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) shows not only that the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid vaccine becomes negative (meaning the vaccinated are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated) within five months but that the vaccine destroys any protection a person has from natural immunity. TheContinue reading “Covid Vaccine Destroys Natural Immunity, NEJM Study Shows”

How Do COVID Vaccines Affect The Immune System

july 30 2022, “How might the Covid vaccines be affecting the innate immune response of those who have received them? Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.” – Alison Morrow video:

Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JUNE 10, 2022  Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped upContinue reading “Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection”


June 13th, 2022 Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD, professor emeritus of microbiology and immunology, explains the key mechanisms of vaccine damage to tissues and blood vessels. The mRNA vaccine is taken up into the cells, particularly those which line the blood vessels. The cells express the spike protein, causing them to be attacked and destroyed byContinue reading “THE FUNDAMENTAL MECHANISM OF DAMAGE IS SIMPLE AND UNIVERSAL WITH PROF. SUCHARIT BHAKDI MD”

Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JUNE 10, 2022  Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped upContinue reading “Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection”

Official Government reports suggest Authorities are using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MAY 25, 2022  The new evolving hysteria surrounding the alleged emergence of ‘monkeypox’ in Western nations is not what it appears to be. We are not witnessing the monkeypox virus run rampant across first world countries for the first time ever. Instead, we are witnessing the latest attempt to advance Draconian biosecurity policies throughContinue reading “Official Government reports suggest Authorities are using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome”

With increase in travel, and COVID vaccines suppressing natural immune systems, we will see cases pop up here and there.

may 27 2022 Attached is the genome- Looks like they released an Israeli strain of monkeypox in 2018 Diagnosis of Imported Monkeypox, Israel, 2018 Abstract We report a case of monkeypox in a man who returned from Nigeria to Israel in 2018. Virus was detected in pustule swabs by transmission electron microscopy and PCR andContinue reading “With increase in travel, and COVID vaccines suppressing natural immune systems, we will see cases pop up here and there.”

Official Government reports suggest Authorities are using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MAY 25, 2022  The new evolving hysteria surrounding the alleged emergence of ‘monkeypox’ in Western nations is not what it appears to be. We are not witnessing the monkeypox virus run rampant across first world countries for the first time ever. Instead, we are witnessing the latest attempt to advance Draconian biosecurity policies throughContinue reading “Official Government reports suggest Authorities are using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome”

Your Government published data confirming it can take just 5 months for the Covid-19 Vaccinated to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome whilst they had you worried about World War, the Cost of Living & Monkeypox

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MAY 22, 2022  Governments worldwide have been quietly publishing data for months on end that strongly suggests the Covid-19 injections cause extensive damage to the natural immune system, causing recipients to develop a new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Now, new data, recently published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, indicates that itContinue reading “Your Government published data confirming it can take just 5 months for the Covid-19 Vaccinated to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome whilst they had you worried about World War, the Cost of Living & Monkeypox”

Your Government quietly confirmed the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome while they had you worried about Russia-Ukraine & the Cost of Living

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MAY 15, 2022  Something is very wrong, and it is because of the Covid-19 injections. All around the world, Governments are publishing official data that all show the same thing. Those same Governments however are not willing to explain why. Instead, they are quietly publishing data in the hope that it will get swept underContinue reading “Your Government quietly confirmed the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome while they had you worried about Russia-Ukraine & the Cost of Living”

Three new papers everyone should know about

These three papers provide compelling evidence that the vaccines should be avoided and are unethical to mandate. Steve Kirsch Apr 27 2022 Here’s a recent video everyone (including public policy makers in Australia) should watch for just 60 seconds (the link starts 9:15 into the video). Mark Steyn makes the point that it’s “either official information so youContinue reading “Three new papers everyone should know about”

New study shows that naturally acquired immunity is superior to vaccines

27 april 2022 A recently published Israeli study (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35380632/) demonstrates that “naturally acquired immunity affords longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection and symptomatic disease […], compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.” In detail, the scholars’ data showed that “those vaccinated are still at a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increasedContinue reading “New study shows that naturally acquired immunity is superior to vaccines”

The PfizerGate Scandal: Governments worldwide are hiding data to disguise the fact the Covid Vaccines damage the Immune System and cause AIDS

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MARCH 26, 2022  Health authorities around the world are manipulating figures in an attempt to hide from the general public that the Covid-19 injections are causing the fully vaccinated to develop Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; and we can prove it… The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s notContinue reading “The PfizerGate Scandal: Governments worldwide are hiding data to disguise the fact the Covid Vaccines damage the Immune System and cause AIDS”

Pfizer vaccine can damage brain cells and immune system, study suggests

ByGuy Hatchard March 23, 2022 A NEW preprint study conducted in Poland and published at bioRxiv investigates the effect of mRNA vaccine on glial cells in vitro (outside the physiology). Its conclusions point to possible effects of mRNA vaccines on crucial brain functions. Glial cells or neuroglia are non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system, including the brain, spinal column and theContinue reading “Pfizer vaccine can damage brain cells and immune system, study suggests”

Vaccine side effects: How the body responds and why being ill after a jab ‘is good’

9 feb 2022 VACCINE side effects: Many people are concerned with growing reports of people falling ill after a vaccine. Experts claim this is a predictable outcome and can actually be a good thing. What exactly happens to the body when vaccinated and why are scientists claiming it be a good thing? For a fractionContinue reading “Vaccine side effects: How the body responds and why being ill after a jab ‘is good’”

How the mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines suppress the innate Immune System…

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 14, 2022  In a new scientific study published at the end of Janaury, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., describes a mechanism of the COVID shots that results in the suppression of your innate immune system, by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway. In an interview with Dr Mercola, return guest Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior researchContinue reading “How the mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines suppress the innate Immune System…”

UK Government data proves the Covid-19 Injections cause damage to the innate Immune System that worsens by the week

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 11, 2022  UK Government data proves that the Covid-19 injections damage the innate immune system to a point where the not-vaccinated populations immune system if far superior to that of the fully vaccinated. The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s not lose touch, subscribe today to receive theContinue reading “UK Government data proves the Covid-19 Injections cause damage to the innate Immune System that worsens by the week”

18 Lies about Covid-19 & the Covid-19 Vaccines; and 18 Truths they are designed to cover up

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JANUARY 29, 2022 18 Lies about mRNA Vaccines and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy mRNA vaccines are just a more high tech version of your regular flu shot vaccine. mRNA vaccines are destroyed by your immune system with a couple of days mRNA vaccines do not leave the injection site in yourContinue reading “18 Lies about Covid-19 & the Covid-19 Vaccines; and 18 Truths they are designed to cover up”

16,000 Physicians reach consensus on vaccinating children and natural immunity

15 jan 2022 Read the declaration from the International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists. Consensus is clear among MDs and medical PhDs: following 20 months of exhaustive research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared worldwide, they conclude that healthy children and COVID recovered should be excluded fromContinue reading “16,000 Physicians reach consensus on vaccinating children and natural immunity”

European drug regulators abruptly reverse course on boosters

Alex Berenson Jan 12 This should terrify you if you’ve received an mRNA booster. Last month, the European Medicines Agency authorized boosters EVERY THREE MONTHS: Today, not even five weeks later, and barely 24 hours after Pfizer’s CEO downplayed a fourth dose, they said they think frequent boosters may not be safe: What changed? WhatContinue reading “European drug regulators abruptly reverse course on boosters”

Top 8 Reasons to Cleanse Your Body (and How to Do It Right!)

January 5, 2022 In a hurry? Click here to read the Article Summary… TTAC is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats.  Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list.  It’s free. There are many times when we become moreContinue reading “Top 8 Reasons to Cleanse Your Body (and How to Do It Right!)”

Video – Basic Immunology

22/12/2021 Dr. Bhakdi explains how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger the breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. These include many viruses such as Herpes zoster (shingles), Epstein-Barr-Virus (infectious mononucleosis), Cytomegaloviruses, bacteria – particularly tuberculosis – and parasites. Moreover, our sentinel lymphocytes are vitally important in protectingContinue reading “Video – Basic Immunology”

Booster: the immune system is so disturbed that autoimmune reactions are triggered.

An important study from 2009. Very relevant to assess the consequences of the booster vaccinations currently being carried out. At some point, the immune system is so disturbed that autoimmune reactions are triggered. Definition of Autoimmunity: involves a misdirection of the body’s immune system against its own tissues Repeated vaccinations with the same antigen atContinue reading “Booster: the immune system is so disturbed that autoimmune reactions are triggered.”

Pfizer Scientists: “Nature Immunity is Better”

oct. 4th 2021 Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies are Probably Better than the [Pfizer] Vaccination’ “We’re Like Bred And Taught to be Like “Vaccine is Safer Than Actually Getting Covid.” “Our Organization is Run on Covid Money Now” https://odysee.com/@alpha:8/Project-Vertias-Pfizer-Nature-Immunity-Better-Than-Vaccine:7

Rand Paul Rips Secretary Bercerra Over Natural Immunity

Rand Paul Rips Secretary Bercerra Over Natural Immunity & Vaccine Mandates – Senate Health Committee Hearing September 30, 2021 6 min video: https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhinoQ:c/Rand-Paul-Rips-Secretary-Bercerra-Over-Natural-Immunity—Vaccine-Mandates:a Sen. Rand Paul Grills HHS Sec. Becerra: “Quit Lying To People About Natural Immunity” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) challenges HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra on the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates and says theContinue reading “Rand Paul Rips Secretary Bercerra Over Natural Immunity”

Evidence is showing that the mRNA vaccines may reprogram the immune system -study

New evidence is showing that the mRNA vaccines may reprogram the immune system in ways that are permissive for cancer growth. Even more worrying, this new modeling study shows that the spike protein has a high affinity for the anti-cancer proteins, p53 and BRCA 1/2. These data show that it is likely that the spikeContinue reading “Evidence is showing that the mRNA vaccines may reprogram the immune system -study”

The World Health Organization Oversold the Vaccine and Deprecated Natural Immunity

BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER   AUGUST 29, 2021   HISTORY, POLICY, PUBLIC HEALTH   8 MINUTES OF READING SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Astrange feature of rhetoric during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that came to public notice in early 2020 was the odd silence about the immune system. Whereas in the past, vaccines and natural exposure were regarded as partners in disease mitigation, this timeContinue reading “The World Health Organization Oversold the Vaccine and Deprecated Natural Immunity”

Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime

People who recover from mild COVID-19 have bone-marrow cells that can churn out antibodies for decades, although viral variants could dampen some of the protection they offer. Ewen Callaway Many people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 will probably make antibodies against the virus for most of their lives. So suggest researchers who have identifiedContinue reading “Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime”

The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous

In this short video clip, Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology explains how the Pfizer mRNA injections will compromise a patient’s immune system, resulting in more serious (not less serious) disease after the patient is later exposed to viral pathogens. It’s called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and was predicted based on the resultsContinue reading “The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous”


with Dr Mike Roizen, multi-New York Times Best Selling Author The last 18 months have brought to light many issues but one in particular could be a key factor in enabling this entire pandemic response to persist for so long. And that is the widespread neglect and lack of understanding of our immune system —Continue reading “TIME TO RECONNECT WITH OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS”

Lockdowns Tanked People’s Immune Systems, Putting Them More at Risk for COVID

June 6, 2021 Naturopathic Doctor Tells RFK, Jr.: Lockdowns Tanked People’s Immune Systems, Putting Them More at Risk for COVID Dr. Tyna Moore, a naturopathic doctor and recent guest on “RFK Jr The Defender Podcast,” told Kennedy she and her colleagues in Oregon were censored for advising people on how they could strengthen their immuneContinue reading “Lockdowns Tanked People’s Immune Systems, Putting Them More at Risk for COVID”