We’re Not Doing This Again

Masks are worthless. Stop trying to mandate them. ADAM GAERTNER AUG 16, 2023 Masks, and mask mandates, were never about anybody’s safety. Almost four years after the beginning of the pandemic, there is still very little evidence to suggest they offer even the slightest protection against covid infection. For a time, the mantra of “myContinue reading “We’re Not Doing This Again”

This Covid Madness Was a Test Balloon, the Globalists Just Wanted To See How Far They Could Go

Aug 12 2023 German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called “pandemic” was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global “emergency”. “The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each andContinue reading “This Covid Madness Was a Test Balloon, the Globalists Just Wanted To See How Far They Could Go”

The CDC purchased private location data on over 55 million Americans to monitor lockdown compliance

Contracts revealed. If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of privacy and civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim The Net. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy people’s data from third party companies – SafeGraph and Cuebiq – who are in the business ofContinue reading “The CDC purchased private location data on over 55 million Americans to monitor lockdown compliance”

Covid and the Three Tests of Compliance 

BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER  FEBRUARY 5, 2023  HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY  11 MINUTE READ Jesus in the wilderness faced three temptations from the Devil himself: material comfort, fame, and power. Needless to say, he declined every temptation and passed all three trials.  So too did the couple seeking to enter the order of virtue in Mozart’s The Magic Flute. They blasted right throughContinue reading “Covid and the Three Tests of Compliance “


November 26th, 2022. “You don’t want to be seen as nice, because nice people are easily taken advantage of nice people are naïve, nice, people won’t fight back, stop getting this idea that you want to be seen as nice. You want to be seen as good…” – Chris Sky Like I always say: beContinue reading “BE A GOOD PERSON, NOT A NICE PERSON!”

The end of medicine?

Freedom of speech for the medical profession is under threat in Australia Australian Medical Professionals Society Australian Medical Professionals Society 3 August 2022 No one wants to believe that they have been misled by people in positions of trust. This is especially true when politicians, health bureaucrats, and regulatory bodies have forced compliance to medicalContinue reading “The end of medicine?”

Italy Announces Rollout of Dystopian Social Credit System; Compliant Citizens Will Be Rewarded For “Good Behaviour”

BY RHODA WILSON ON APRIL 27, 2022 On 28 March Matteo Lepore, Mayor of Bologna, and Massimo Bugani, councillor for the digital agenda and civic use of data, announced the City’s digital innovation plan 2022-2024. “We will start with a pilot project for the city: at the center is the virtuous citizen, the one who, for example, separatesContinue reading “Italy Announces Rollout of Dystopian Social Credit System; Compliant Citizens Will Be Rewarded For “Good Behaviour””

Government nudge unit ‘used grossly unethical tactics to scare public into Covid compliance’

MPs launch investigation after psychologists criticise totalitarian tactics of ‘deploying fear, shame and scapegoating’ during pandemic ByTony Diver, POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT 28 January 2022 • 6:11pm The Government’s “grossly unethical” uses of its “nudge unit” inflated fear among the public during the Covid pandemic, psychologists have said – prompting MPs to launch an investigation into scare adverts. A groupContinue reading “Government nudge unit ‘used grossly unethical tactics to scare public into Covid compliance’”

Compliance and Why We Should Always Speak Out Against A corrupt Agenda

By Patricia Harrity on December 24, 2021 Despite the continuous pushing of an agenda under the guise of a “Pandemic”, there is clear evidence that what is occurring globally has nothing to do with a virus. Nevertheless, there are still many people unquestioningly adhering to the nonsensical rules and restrictions that the country has beenContinue reading “Compliance and Why We Should Always Speak Out Against A corrupt Agenda”

Dr. Christiane Northrup and Mike Adams explore spirituality, covid compliance and mass OBEDIENCE

Dr. Christiane Northrup joins me to cover spirituality, mass obedience and why so many “new age” thinkers are failing to address the reality of the current situation: http://Brighteon.com/8d9cc85c-dd45-4ab2-a703-49d6352a56be