The arguments for “NO VIRUS” – PART 1 : Dr. Mike Yeadon is battling the virus. — A CONTINUOUSLY EXPANDED ARTICLE.

May 15 2024

Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 20, 2024 :

The purpose in sharing this is so that if you find utility in some of my longer posts, you may find some of the better ones here.

Credit & thanks to Suavek here for his initiative.

I believe the most useful observation here is that there’s been no pandemic & that all the senior stakeholders knew there wasn’t.

Best wishes


Suavek / Author :

New statements, comments, and information are often added. The article will therefore be continually expanded. Only when it gets too big will part 2 come. The most recent is at the top except when grouped thematically. Understandability and comprehensibility are the top priority. Here you can watch, almost as if in a live broadcast, how the main pillars of medicine are expertly sawn down and replaced with something new. The new is called “reality”. Dr.Yeadon already has both the assertiveness and the amazing ability to recognize patterns. We have been able to convince ourselves of this in recent years. We wish him and his powers of persuasion the best of luck. Your comments are very welcome. Because Dr.Yeadon subscribes to my Substack and reads the articles posted here, he would probably want to read your comments too. We are all curious. I wish you a lot of fun !

— Suavek.


Essi , 20.05.2024 :

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For those who understand French: follow Pierre Chaillot on You Tube. He showed no evidence of contagion in flu, but a correlation with the temperatures. When it is too cold or too warm, people die. Nothing “jumps” from one place to another, it all happens at the same time. There seems to be a good temperature and a bad one, which makes people weak. He also points out that one never puts in question the environment, for exemple how ducks live when they get “bird flu”. They are put all together in a space which is too small, they never see the sun, get bad food, in a dirty environment. When people eat and drink a lot together and then claim that they got contaminated, they don’t ask if too much drinks and food, or somehow contaminated food or water or wine could have contributed to the situation. Not long ago, by a lake, my husband felt, seating under a tree, felt cold, stayed under the tree, went even swimming in the rather cold water (!). The day before, he was very disappointed by a situation. What was the result? He got a cold!

Influenza, to catch a cold…

In Chinese medicine, one speaks about “attacks of perversities” and is very careful about wind, humidity and cold.

My mother always said that she was cold before she got a cold… Clim in a bus for instance.


Links recommended by Tim West, May 20, 2024 :

Source :

Part 1

Part 2 in

Part 3


Secrets of Virology – “Control” Experiments

Author’s Note ( by Suavek, May 20, 2024 ) :

This topic came to my attention. However, only after I saw a video in German in which a virologist was unable to provide answers to important questions. If you understand German, you can watch the film here :

( The link will be added soon )

However, you can learn more about the same topic in English, here :

Secrets of Virology – “Control” Experiments :


Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 19, 2024 :

The purpose of my sharing a response to a comment in “Chat” is that I hear a particular type of comment quite often, and those communicating their experience genuinely believe that the it’s evidence of a new pathogen.

The remark is from a person who says “I fell ill in 2020 & it was more severe than any ‘flu I’ve ever had”, and go on from this jumping off point to inferring a new pathogen.

But is that a reasonable deduction? I’m not at all sure it is. Here’s my reply to just such a post.

“You were definitely sick.

However, you’re deducing that you “caught it”, with no evidence. That’s fine, but please recognize that your belief isn’t evidence.

Because there are reasons to find alternative explanations for the onset of illness, it’s worth considering what these might be.

For example, those who believe that they “caught a cold or flu” from another person often share an environment with their “source”.

In family groups, this commonality of environment is stronger and we can add a potential genetic predisposition certain kinds of illnesses.

On the “I had an illness which was worse than any flu”, it’s also very important to recognise that this phenomenon is sneaky and to be expected, even if nothing was happening.

Please allow me expand & explain. I think it’s potentially very important.

Consider how many times you’ve had ‘flu through a lifetime. I’m 64 years old and I have had two bouts of ‘flu sufficiently severe that I had I take to my bed for several days.

Now consider, if such a person was to develop a ‘flu like illness in 2020 or 2021, how might this compare to the small number of previous episodes of such illness?

I assert that it could be milder or it could be similar to or it could be more severe, just based on reasoning.

Thus, I believe that a substantial minority of those who developed acute respiratory illnesses in 2020 or 2021 who would justifiably say “my illness was different from & more serious than ‘flu I have had in the past”.

It’s fiendishly clever because this will convince many people that there’s been something new & frightening, even though statistically, it’s reasonable to expect exactly this.

With best wishes and I hope this is helpful or at least thought provoking.



Christine Massey’s Substack seems to be rich in the information that interested people are looking for :

Here is one of their statements :

May 17, 2024 , Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Actually, no symptoms at all were required for the bogus “covid” diagnosis, hence the “asymptomatic” narrative. The diagnoses were based on fraudulent and myriad laboratory tests that could not confirm an alleged virus even if it had been shown to exist (none ever have), and cannot detect illness or clotting. Many people were perfectly fine.

Re contagion, we’ve all witnessed people getting sick after being around others who are sick, and also people not getting sick after being around sick people, and also people getting sick without being around any sick people. Getting sick after being around sick people is not conclusive evidence of contagion, and in fact there is zero scientific evidence of contagion despite many studies on the topic.


[ Author’s Note : Many people observe how others who gather together become ill almost simultaneously. If there is no infection, they want to have a plausible, alternative explanation for it. Such a question arises here too. It is worth mentioning that no one counts the cases in which people do not get sick at the same time. ]

Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :

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Hi Pamela,

The scientific method absolutely does not require a critic to find alternative explanations for phenomena previously attributed incorrectly to a “virus”.

The scientific method proceeds by invalidating previous tenets of a field, that is, showing that something is wrong.

No one looks for alternative explanations for phenomena that we think we understand. In my case, I simply didn’t suspect anything was wrong with the field of vaccinology, because I’d never once had reading to look into it.

While it’s undoubtedly satisfying to invalidate something AND to provide an alternative explanation for a phenomenon previously understood as caused in a particular way, it isn’t necessary.

Best wishes



Topic : No respiratory disease pandemics, no contagion.

Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :

While those are reasonable grounds alone to question whether pandemics could be more than a scenario in a scary movie, like “Contagion”, for example, there are others.

I like to add a qualifier, just for precision. “Pandemics of acute respiratory illnesses” are a fictional construct.

We can reach a good degree of confidence in this assertion by more one route.

1. Reading the scientific literature on contagion, or transmission, of symptoms of acute respiratory illnesses. Long & short, it doesn’t happen. When a person with such an illness (“donor”) spends time sharing space with a healthy person (“recipient”), the recipient does not acquire the symptoms of the donor, over the next few days and weeks, than when two donors share space.

2. Examination of claimed pandemics of acute respiratory illnesses. It doesn’t take long before you trip over obvious lies and trickery, such as pretending contagion occurs (not easy to detect as a trick, because we’re all trained to think it’s true, whereas there are other explanations for the phenomenon of apparent contagion). In recent times, we see our friend the “PCR based diagnostic test”. What these generate is the little known but astonishingly true “PCR false positive pseudo epidemic”). The kicker is that even when you attempt to look the Spanish Flu “pandemic” in the eye, you find nothing but misdirection, exaggeration & medical malpractice. In every case, social engineering is used to condition us into buying it as a pandemic, where the reality is that something else happened.

But yes, if the kind of massed, contagious event that we’re told has happened & that “the next pandemic is just around the corner” as a government minister recently said in the House of Lords, could actually happen, it would be reasonable to expect copious evidence of such events in the past.

I credit a conversation between these two gentlemen as an important catalyst in my growing scepticism about pandemics.

It’s one hour long and densely packed and we as done with good humour.


Topic : The proliferation of bacteria does not seem to be the cause of what we usually call a disease.

Emma, May 16, 2024 :

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I agree: contagion is a myth until sound research demonstrates otherwise. So far no one has been successful in demonstrating that the presence of a bacterium alone is the cause of any illness, viruses are the most flawed of theoretical illness causing agents and allopathic medicine is grounded on these un evidenced suppositions. Other good reads are ‘what really makes you ill” and ‘virusmania”. We must stick to evidenced theories not hypotheses. I’m teaching my maths group at present how to spot cherry picked data and how to design and carry out an experiment to gather data and most importantly how to critique an experiment in order to interrogate the data.


Topic : Lack of contagion / The misperception of the alleged infection.

A question from Jeff :

Mike: I have been solidly with you since I discovered you in 2021. Please help me to understand how respiratory illnesses are transmitted in your experience.


Dr. Mike Yeadon answers , May 16, .2024 :

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I have come to the conclusion that acute respiratory illnesses are not infectious in origin, thus they don’t transmit, at least not in the way we’ve been led to understand.

I think the coincidence of symptoms (which sometimes happens, but often doesn’t, though few people comment on the time they didn’t “catch a cold” from the person coughing next to us in the train) results from a number of factors.

1. Colds are commonplace. You can develop one at almost any time, so sometimes by coincidence it’ll happen.

2. Those we think we “catch a cold” from are usually people with whom we share an environment and sometimes much more, such as predispositions. An environmental trigger might affect one person or a whole group of people. Predispositions widen the scope of overlapping susceptibility and thus simultaneity or closely synchronous illness.

I should add that the realisation that there’s a great deal of clinical evidence that we do not “catch” these narrowly defined conditions from one another.

This requires a reorientation about causes. But it’s not necessary to have a complete & alternative account of how all this works in order to abandon the old paradigm.

As my boss used to say, “once you discover you’re on the wrong bus, you get off the bus”

Hope this helps.



Dr. Yeadon’s comment from May 14, 2024 on the following Substack article:

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Dr Mike Yeadon :

Dear Christine,

Thank you for your powerful piece here.

Your persistence, patience and courage are tremendous.

I’m humbled by my own journey, embarrassed not to have noticed the character of the industry I worked in for so long & now having to recalibrate my understanding of important aspects of human health.

Having realised in early 2020, with a shock, that the simultaneous imposition in scores of countries of “lockdowns”, a term from the US penitentiary system, for which there was no rationale, and a guaranteed disaster for the economy and financial system, I realised this meant we were under global attack.

It took me years to move from “We’re being lied to about topics X, Y & Z” to “Everything we’ve been told is lies, including the claim that there was or is a pandemic & public health emergency. By the way, there’s a hundred years of published clinical experimentation, which shows that acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious. These observations destroy completely the notion that respiratory illnesses can be caused by submicroscopic, infectious particles, ie “respiratory viruses”. To be explicit, in my opinion, acute respiratory illnesses are not caused by viruses which, accordingly, are a fictional construct. A corollary is that these acute respiratory illnesses are clearly non-contagious.

These inferences destroy completely the idea of pandemics. They were always implausible to me as an immunologist. Now I’ve the basis to note that they’re impossible.

So, in relation to respiratory health and disease, on a personal as well as a societal level, we’ve destroyed completely the main tenets of “public health measures”. There’s no need to pay any attention to proven liars, or to be afraid, or to follow any of their advice and orders.

I focus on respiratory illnesses because I have most experience in this field and have good evidence that the viroLIEgy here is totally fraudulent.

I’ve looked at a few other alleged viral illnesses. Every one of these quickly runs into the sand of fraud. AIDS and polio are particularly shocking criminal, pseudoscience based frauds. Large numbers of people died as a direct & predictable of the lies around these illnesses. That the authorities around the world have been willing to craft & maintain mendacious illusions that, alone, destroyed the lives of millions, and also led to policies which, in retrospect, resulted in large numbers of avoidable deaths.

I call these deceptions & associated “treatment lies” classify as mass murder as far as I’m concerned.

A fragment of the article :

Official Confessions/Evidence Showing that Virology is Pseudoscience:

Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (222 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:

Excel file listing 222 institutions:

FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):

FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated “virus genomes”:

3000+ pages of “virus” FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:

Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:

Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?

Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.

For truth, freedom and sanity,

Source :

Linked in the Substack article commented above :

HPV – The Virus that Wasn’t

How is the Gardasil Vaccine Still on the Market ?

Amandha Dawn Vollmer

May 09, 2024

Source :


A comment from Dr. Mike Yeadon about the Spanish Flu, May 8, 2024 :

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Please folks, don`t believe these lies.There hasn`t been pandemic. See Denis Rancourt`s Website. See John Dee`s Almanac. There`s never been a pandemic. See Sheep Farm Spanish Flu Noncence. There`s not going to be a pandemic (which the perperators claim is “the next pandemic”! And we know how honest they`ve been!). The notion of pandemics was advanced only relatively recently, if you`re my age (64) you were not taught about the alleged Spanish Flu pandemic at school. There are no monuments to the fallen of the alleged pandemic, despite more people alleged to have been killed by it than died in WW2. Its been got up. Almost all the books on this event were published recently, often as recent as 2020! Funny that! So please spare yourself fear from lies. Additionally, steer well clear of ANY jabs & in particular those made of mRNA. They`re intentionally harmful. See Dr Mike Yeadon`s Substack and Telegram.

Source : A comment under the article :

The comment under the article can no longer be found, – probably deleted?, – but here, additionally published in Telegram as a screenshot : May 8, 2024.


Studies that could not prove infection

Virology – The Damning Evidence

The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession

dpl and Aldhissla

Mar 07, 2023

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Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 6, .2024 :

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I’ve become very interested in attempts to demonstrate transmission of symptoms characteristic of an certain illness (that’s claimed to be contagious) from a sick person to a well person.

It’s just shocking to realise this has never been demonstrated for the category of sickness that can be termed “acute respiratory illnesses”. Most are declared as due to “infection by a respiratory virus”.

If that is true, it ought to be simple to demonstrate transfer of symptoms. Ignore PCR based endpoints in studies of this kind, because that’s at best only a proxy, once which in this case is an invalid one.

The key quote to set this up is as follows:

Transmission is the fundamental assumption on which virology rest. Without proof of transmission, nothing downstream matters. Even though understanding these downstream concepts will never be a waste of time one must consider that the normal man on the street will not be interested in complicated terminology and processes.

Best wishes


( Linked in Dr. Yeadon’s post : )

#MYpost 358


Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 24, 2023 :

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I’m as certain as my expertise supports that respiratory viruses do not exist.

I’m prepared to operate myself on that basis.

Key evidence is that transmission does not occur, even when huge efforts to make this happen are made.

That ends the fiction of the model of fear that has been incredibly successful.

Im not informed enough to declare the entire field is a bogey.

I will say that in every case, when I’ve looked at the detail, I find fraud. No exceptions.

There’s a pattern. Existing illnesses are harnessed and given a new name as a new disease.

Existing acute respiratory illnesses get attributed to a non existent cause, such as “SARS-CoV-2” and called “covid19”, a disease with no unique signs & symptoms.

Epidemiological evidence tells us nothing new was circulating in eariy 2020 and I don’t believe this alleged pathogen has never been proven to exist. I think it’s nothing more than a construct in silico.

A similar trick was employed to create “AIDS”. Some people with this diagnosis are sick, but with one of around 17 known medical conditions. “HIV” like the above has never been shown to exist.

In “Covid”, innocents were killed by injecting drugs which were known to be harmful, such as remdesivir, a product of a biotechnology company called Gilead. The names are symbolic because the evil people behind all of this are without doubt evil.

In “AIDS”, patients are given agents such as AZT, a failed chemotherapy drug for cancer. At the doses employed, it causes serious toxicity and can itself kill over time.

The PCR test for “HIV” is as invalid as it is for “SARS-CoV-2”.

The reason that the “covid” & “AIDS” frauds are eerily similar is that it’s largely the same people & same corrupted institutions.

I am so sure of my ground in respiratory and the alleged virus in question & related pathogens all being fraud that this is the “tip of my spear”.

I think it’s very likely that no viruses exist. Non scientists may not fully appreciate how the so called scientific method works. I can describe in detail the frauds above, less so in “AIDS”, but well enough to be true to myself.

What is not scientific is to go from the specific to the general, without the same depth of knowledge in all the examples in the general statement.

When I make my remarks about respiratory, I can back it up.

If I made a very broad claim, I cannot. Now, you may not care, but I do, that if I was to do that, I’m not being honest with myself or the audience.

Those listening might reasonably think “I’m prepared to trust this scientist, he must have the evidence to back up what he’s saying”.

Those goading me to make the general claim do not know me well enough, or they’d know I’m not going to pretend I have in-depth understanding about scores of alleged viruses. They presumably want me to make such a claim because I’m a scientist, hoping if I say it, more people will believe it. They want me to act dishonestly within myself because if I’ve any heft, it’s because I’m a scientist.

I don’t believe that it’s even faintly possible to persuade most people that they’ve been lied to about even obvious things.

It’s definitely not helpful me even telling the empirical truth about “covid”. I am persona non grata with very many, perhaps most freedom campaigners in the fields of science and medicine. Then tell me that in very many cases it’s a major cause of people disengaging, because it’s so alien to their understanding of the world that the person telling them this news is surely a bad actor. That’d my experience in my own field, often in conversation with allied people.

Those who have been successful in persuading others that the entire field is fraudulent, well done. You’ve found an effective way for you. Each of us will probably have pieces of this puzzle of an unbelievable global takeover and fraud that they’re mosh effective using. You’re authentic when you operate truthfully.

Anyway, back to my multi way Zoom audio call. Good luck everyone and please keep trying to wake up as many as you can!




Dr. Mike Yeadon to Robin Monotti, August 20, 2023 :

( This led to a conversation )


On the absolutist position, we are aligned.

I do think it’s POSSIBLE that the entire discipline is fraudulent.

I agree however that despite my long career in life sciences, I don’t know enough WITH A HIGH LEVEL OF CERTAINTY to adopt a public position that there are no viruses.

Frankly, it hardly matters what I think, because we’re all incredibly circumscribed in the people we can reach.

I’d go further and say that, if we were much more effective than we actually are, we would almost certainly be murdered.

That said, I’m not inhibited in any way by that risk, because I’ve already decided I’m not interested in scuttling around in a highly constrained retirement, flinching at each new restriction and humiliation.

So I’ll communicate or die trying!

If I was appreciably younger, in full health and with a partner who doesn’t think the same way I do about it all, I might well have a different perspective.

For example, on the transmission experiments, I’ve clearly got homework to do! In due course I’ll let you know whether what you’ve said is enough to destroy or substantially weaken it as an argument. If so, I’m willing to reinstate my earlier view that I cannot eliminate transmissible respiratory pathogens.

This wouldn’t change my opinion on the current fraudulent claim for a pandemic, nor the immunological argument that since the nastier it might be, the stronger that self limiting nature of spreading, pandemics of severe respiratory illnesses aren’t possible.

All the best,



Doc replies Mike Yeadon, August 24, 2023 :

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Hello Mike, controversy almost always starts with a word. The counterpart in science is a concept or a “definition”. In this case the term “Virus”. And it’s definition is not set in stone! The simplest is: a cell (prokatiotic or eucariotic) infecting non-living particle that needs a cell to reproduce itself. Do such particles were shown to exist “in general” – my answer is a YES


Dr. Mike Yeadon replies Doc, August 26, 2023 :

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Christine and Doc,

I’m very rusty about bacteriophages but aren’t they visually at least, a kind of prototypical “virus”?

Bacteriophages do exist, and iirc it is those which you sometimes see as electron micrographic images, looking ironically for all the world like a moon lander?

Other than that, I personally haven’t seen convincing evidence of a virus.

Mind you, I haven’t seen convincing evidence of lots of things, probably the majority of things which, prior to 2020, I’d have been sure I understood.

As I often rhetorically ask others why they believe a certain thing, it’s because somebody told you it was so, and you chose to believe them.

That’s what almost all rote learning comprises. Once it’s appreciated that all sorts of people can be incentivised to say things they know aren’t true, we’re forced to recognise that we don’t really know very much at all!

That’s a huge blow for a knowledge professional. Well, a former one. I won’t ever be retained again as a consultant to biotech & I wouldn’t want the commission anyway.

Best wishes



Doc replies Mike Yeadon, August 27, 2023 :

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I used to do research with systems that were based on the very existence of “viruses” that do infect bacteria and reproduce “themselves”. The methods are well known and most of them were/ are fundamental to molecular biology just to name phage display, lambda based gateway cloning etc.etc. and last but not least CRISPR/cas based gene editing These methods would not exist if there wouldn’t be a infectious particle NAMED “virus”. AND YET YOU ARE RIGHT – I HAVE NOT SEEN SO MANY THINGS by myself “KNOWN to EXIST” IN SCIENCE. So yes, somehow I have to choose to “believe” too – but that does not mean I blindly trust. Most things are so small that we only can have an abstract impression of it. But does that matter? Do I have to believe in electrons – as particles or waves? I tell you what I believe and actually Know For Sure. That currently I need the concept of an electron to respond to your comment and the very use of the particle helped humans building things they couldn’t imagine 200 years ago. The very name “electron” does not change that – one can rename it to bernstein or amber – no big deal


Dr. Mike Yeadon, August 25, 2023 :

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I’m placing this here without any comment other that the author claims this to be an authoritative listing of articles and videos which challenge the orthodoxy of germ theory.

Please don’t be offended by my exploring the odd rabbit hole. My motivation is simply to increase my awareness and understanding of the competing narratives.

Best wishes



Dr. Mike Yeadon, August 9, 2023 :

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Dear David,

I’ve tried using all the arguments with friends who are bright, some of whom are biological scientists and others well educated, logical fellow citizens.

Out of a dozen such friendly encounters, every one of which was with a person who knows my recent work and is sure I’m correct snout the “vaccines”.

Only one had their opinion altered. All the others said things like “You may well be right that there weren’t deaths until medical countermeasures were introduced upon declaration of a pandemic, and so I see why you’re saying there is no pandemic to explain by means of a virus, but I just don’t buy the wider idea of virus existentialism”.

I remember saying to whichever I spoke to (Kaufman or Cowan) that it wasn’t plausible that we’d be able to convert many people. I understood the principle perfectly and understood why he was pushing so hard. I said there are too many pieces to try to unpick, if what he said was correct. Accordingly, I said I would look at what he’d sent but I didn’t expect it would be the solution that’s claimed for it. My own experiences have borne out that shooting from the hip assessment.

Why haven’t that group easily prevailed prior to the covid era, when presumably censorship was nothing like as overt as it is today?

I wonder if it’s because it requires a massive reordering of what people believe very deeply?

I decided some time ago that it wasn’t a useful line of argument and while I wasn’t going to lie about it, my own experiments had given me distinctly discouraging feedback. That needs to be taken on board by campaigners. Sorry, but that is where I am.

All the best,



Dr. Mike Yeadon, June 27, 2023.

Two related posts :

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Those who believe in viruses in general, and Influenza viruses in particular, will tell you that in 7-14% of ILI cases, one or other Influenza viruses are detected (by PCR). In the other 86-93% of ILI, we don’t know the cause. It’s assumed they’re due to one or other of the large number of viruses that it is asserted can infect the human respiratory tract.

I used to accept this without question. Now that I’m questioning, I find there’s no convincing evidence for this assertion.

It’s not axiomatic that an acute illness must be caused by an infection. I don’t understand why people do seem to think that, when they don’t about heart disease, renal failure, inflammatory bowel diseases, asthma etc etc.

The burden of proof sits with those asserting that “ILI is due to infection with respiratory viruses, which were transmitted from a person already sick with the same pathogen”. I no longer believe that at all.

Did you know that nobody has ever demonstrated transmission of illness from a person sick with an ILI & a healthy person?

Transmission is claimed on the basis purely of the epidemiological evidence. For example, if 1 in a 1000 people had clinical ILI in a sample taken last week & next week, the number had risen to 1 in 100 people, it is assumed that they had all caught it from those sick earlier. Fancy concepts like reproduction number is derived from such datasets, again, based on the unproven assumption that person to person transmission is responsible.

Anyway, there was no pandemic and of course the authorities knew. They can count the dead and know their age and sex.

Despite there never having been a pandemic, with remarkable fluidity, almost the same absurd policies were imposed around the world over a short space of time. These policies, such as lockdown, masking, business closures, border restrictions etc were known, prior to covid19, to be without effect in the apparent spreading of ILI. The Wayback Machine holds a late 2019 document, written by WHO technical staff, which says exactly this.

So they knew there was no pandemic. They relied in part for the success of the PsyOp on the unsuitable PCR test.

Remember all the TikTok videos of dancing medical staff in hospitals? That’s not consistent with the idea that the country is under such an assault that the hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed. It is consistent with evidence I was getting weekly from a new friend who was responsible for scheduling utilisation of intensive care beds in NHS England. He worked with me in one publication and also Fed information to Prod Carl Heneghan in 2020 until he was out on report, watched often and warned if he made any unauthorised disclosures again, he’d immediately be dismissed for cause.

They knew there was no pandemic, they imposed useless but destructive restrictions, and lies about the state of healthcare.

Then they lied some more in relation to the “vaccines” & they’re still doing it today. These injections contain several definitely injurious motifs which are blindingly obvious to those of us who’ve spent careers in “rational drug design”. I’m not a vaccine expert but I am where it comes to design and testing molecules.

In any case, how the dickens could an injection give rise to local immunity in the lungs? It cannot & does not. Even if influenza viruses existed, you’d not expect flu vaccines to be effective for this reason. They cannot generate “mucosal immunity” in the lining of your lungs. They don’t reduce hospitalisation or death from influenza, either.

It would definitely be impossible to design, make, test, improve, choose, run toxicilogy tests, run a series of clinical trials with a suitable (& routine) extension to act as a longer term safety database. It’s out of the question that this could be done in 9-10 months.

I’ve not even mentioned the process of researching how to manufacture a billion doses of these unprecedented mass market products. Career experts like Hedley Rees have explained why several years minimum is unavoidable and irreducible.


The only conclusion is they lied about this, too. Six billion people were injected to date.  Those of you reading this know what I think about that.

Further absurdities included having to prove you had been injected by these useless, unnecessary and dangerous products, so called vaccine passports. Here you know for sure that the only possible argument for this turns on at least two things, both of which are lies.

1. The injections prevent you giving the alleged infection to others. Funnily enough, we know this doesn’t happen anyway. Furthermore, the manufacturers admitted they’d not even studied the impact on transmission.

Nobody in officialdom has mentioned these things. The reasonable conclusion is this is all a puff to get you to accept a vaccine, nothing more than digital ID.

If most people take up & use digital ID and it becomes normal, I’m afraid that’s the end of human freedoms, never to return.

Oh, the proof there’s not been a pandemic?

Numerous authors have arrived at this conclusion through independent study. My preferred go-to person is Dr Denis Rancourt. I posted a link to a short statement he recently issued, which you can use in repeated attempts to waken & warn people. He gave a solid interview to Reiner Fuellmich’s new team, ICIC.

If you do nothing else PLEASE read Denis’ short (2000 word) summary and allow that interview to play in the background.

If you get the first point, no pandemic, I put it to you that you must conclude that the authorities knew & the smoothly installed measures tells you this has been rehearsed repeatedly. Which it has.

These monologues don’t have an end, but I’ll stop here.

Link to Rancourt’s work :

& interview. Plus, once again the proof of 25 years of rehearsals :

Best wishes


The arguments for “NO VIRUS” – PART 2 :

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” – PART 2 – Dr. Mike Yeadon : The alternatives


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If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:

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The Time for Silence is Over

If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., is too great. “Just following orders” or fear of scrutiny won’t cut it anymore. Several have come before you to lay the groundwork so you, too, can be brave.

If you are the every-man, there are still people you haven’t spoken to. Call them today. Don’t wait. Prepare your information, and get it ready for an email or text. Sit with them and discuss it. Have them over. Watch an interview or seminar. Make them stay out of respect for you because you are respecting them; you are trying to save their life.

If you are the every-man with a bit more nerve, go stand outside of your nearest school with a packet of information to hand out to parents on the car line. Do it until they threaten to arrest you, and get arrested if you must. It is that serious. It must be done. Go to a mall and flier the windshields of every car in the parking lot. Create a landing page or send people to a reputable site with the needed information. Get your boots on the ground. Do it today. Do not wait. Your fellow human needs you right now.

We are in the midst of one of the greatest psychological operations in human history.

The third step is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop, and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.

In the same time why not removing all the big tech tracking/spying/social credit system around you: (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Whatsapp, Zoom, Linkedln, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Myspace, etc.)

The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank.

Spike Protein Protocol 

McCullough MD (aug 2023):

He recommended three supplements to mitigate harm and degrade spike proteins:

1. Nattokinase – 2000 units twice a day. Breaks down spike protein.
2. Bromelain – 500 milligrams once a day. Also breaks down spike protein.
3. Curcumin – 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or better
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600-750mg (causes the body to produce glutathione itself)
Astaxantin 5mg (also improves vision)
vitamin D3
Milk thistle (also liver and stomach protection)
Melatonin 1mg to 10mg (against 5G)
Alternatively CDS/CDL and zeolite

Myocarditis: Nicotine

Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin.

Fasting cures everything!

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