‘Literally criminal’: Suppressing data on ivermectin cost ‘half a million lives’, doctor charges

By WorldTribume on May 26, 2021 Commentary by R. Clinton Ohlers In a recent Zoom call, Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance outlined numerous details showing the World Health Organization (WHO) knowingly suppressed data on the effectiveness of ivermectin against the virus in order to benefit the vaccine interests of Big Pharma. “It’s criminal,”Continue reading “‘Literally criminal’: Suppressing data on ivermectin cost ‘half a million lives’, doctor charges”

COVID-19 CURE 100%

Dr. Pierre Kory US Senate hearing – Ivermectin is 100% cure for COVID-19 https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4930160/user-clip-dr-pierre-kory-senate-hearing-ivermectin-100-cure-covid-19 This segment with Dr Kory is taken from the 2 & 1/2 hearing: Medical Response to COVID-19 (https://www.c-span.org/video/?507035-1/medical-response-covid-19#) on DECEMBER 8, 2020. The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee heard from medical professionals who advocate for alternative COVID-19 treatments andContinue reading “COVID-19 CURE 100%”