YouTube restrictions on medical information are a public health concern

PeterYim May 16, 2021 Recently, the American Journal of Therapeutics reported that there was strong evidence that a treatment for COVID-19 had been found: “Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.” The American Journal of Epidemiology alsoContinue reading “YouTube restrictions on medical information are a public health concern”

Facebook DELETES 120,000 Member Group Where People Posted Stories Of Alleged Adverse Covid Vaccine Reactions

 APRIL 27, 2021  Listen Now  Facebook has deleted a popular and rapidly growing group on its platform where members would share stories about alleged negative COVID-19 vaccine side effects. The group, “COVID-19 VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES”, had over 120,000 followers when it was removed from the social media platform, and was gaining more than 10,000 followersContinue reading “Facebook DELETES 120,000 Member Group Where People Posted Stories Of Alleged Adverse Covid Vaccine Reactions”