Bill Maher Slams Google, Facebook for Censoring Content That Doesn’t Align With Government-Sanctioned COVID Narrative

23 july, 2021

Bill Maher said in a video that YouTube has no business censoring information on COVID treatments like ivermectin, or evidence that the SARS-CoV2 may have escaped from a lab. By Children’s Health Defense Team

Comedian Bill Maher said in a video on “Real Time” it’s “outrageous” social media platforms are censoring content on ivermectin.

The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the dayIt’s free.

Comedian Bill Maher said in a video on “Real Time” it’s “outrageous” social media platforms are censoring content on ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug proven effective to treat COVID.

Maher also criticized social media censorship of content suggesting the SARS-CoV2 virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Maher referenced comments by Google’s head of health division, David Feinberg, who told a Wall Street Journal reporter in June that Google doesn’t autofill searches for “coronavirus lab leak” because it doesn’t want to lead “people down pathways” to information that’s not “authoritative.”

Feinberg said Google wants users to see information from authorities like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization (WHO).

“That’s who I’m checking on,” said Maher. “The WHO has been corrupt about a lot of shit. The CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] has been wrong about a lot of shit.”

For four months, Facebook banned all posts about the COVID lab leak theory, Maher said. It’s “outrageous” I can’t look this info up, Maher fumed. “And now they’re doing it about this drug ivermectin.”

Maher rejected the idea that YouTube can decide what information users see about COVID treatments including ivermectin.

Private platforms use government guidelines to police content 

“They threw Bret Weinstein off YouTube, or almost,” Maher said. “YouTube should not be telling me what I can see about ivermectin. Ivermectin isn’t a registered Republican. It’s a drug!”

Weinstein, host of the “DarkHorse Podcast,” told Joe Rogan YouTube “demonetized” his channels, removed some of his videos and issued warnings for content that mentioned ivermectin, labeling it “spam” and “deceptive medical information.”

Weinstein isn’t alone.

As journalist Matt Taibbi noted in a recent article about private platforms using government guidelines to police content, YouTube’s decision to censor Weinstein and others talking about COVID treatments other than the vaccine is “part of an overall butterfly effect.”Tell Schools/Universities No Vaccine Mandates for Children/Young Adults!

Taibbi wrote:

“Weinstein guest Dr. Robert Malone, a former Salk Institute researcher often credited with helping develop mRNA vaccine technology, has been suspended from LinkedIn, and Weinstein guest Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance has had his appearances removed by YouTube. Even Satoshi Ōmura, who won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for his work on ivermectin, reportedly had a video removed by YouTube this week.”

The problem with tech companies relying on government guidelines, said Taibbi, is that those guidelines are “significantly dependent” on info from the pharmaceutical industry — which has a history of “being less than forthright with the public.”

Allowing corporations to censor what people say online about their products, said Taibii, promotes an environment that eliminates public criticism.

Taibii wrote:

“If platforms like YouTube are basing speech regulation policies on government guidelines, and government agencies demonstrably can be captured by industry, the potential exists for a new brand of capture — intellectual capture, where corporate money can theoretically buy not just regulatory relief but the broader preemption of public criticism.

“It’s vaccines today, and that issue is important enough, but what if in the future the questions involve the performance of an expensive weapons program, or a finance company contracted to administer bailout funds, or health risks posed by a private polluter?”

Watch the video:


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The Time for Silence is Over

If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., is too great. “Just following orders” or fear of scrutiny won’t cut it anymore. Several have come before you to lay the groundwork so you, too, can be brave.

If you are the every-man, there are still people you haven’t spoken to. Call them today. Don’t wait. Prepare your information, and get it ready for an email or text. Sit with them and discuss it. Have them over. Watch an interview or seminar. Make them stay out of respect for you because you are respecting them; you are trying to save their life.

If you are the every-man with a bit more nerve, go stand outside of your nearest school with a packet of information to hand out to parents on the car line. Do it until they threaten to arrest you, and get arrested if you must. It is that serious. It must be done. Go to a mall and flier the windshields of every car in the parking lot. Create a landing page or send people to a reputable site with the needed information. Get your boots on the ground. Do it today. Do not wait. Your fellow human needs you right now.

We are in the midst of one of the greatest psychological operations in human history.

The third step is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop, and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.

In the same time why not removing all the big tech tracking/spying/social credit system around you: (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Whatsapp, Zoom, Linkedln, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Myspace, etc.)

The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank.

Spike Protein Protocol 

McCullough MD (aug 2023):

He recommended three supplements to mitigate harm and degrade spike proteins:

1. Nattokinase – 2000 units twice a day. Breaks down spike protein.
2. Bromelain – 500 milligrams once a day. Also breaks down spike protein.
3. Curcumin – 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or better
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600-750mg (causes the body to produce glutathione itself)
Astaxantin 5mg (also improves vision)
vitamin D3
Milk thistle (also liver and stomach protection)
Melatonin 1mg to 10mg (against 5G)
Alternatively CDS/CDL and zeolite

Myocarditis: Nicotine

Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin.

Fasting cures everything!

How to find the truth :

Search engine:,, Searx (choose the server that you want) or

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