Fully vaccinated people have a 885% higher chance of death due to Covid-19 than people who are unvaccinated according to official data


The Delta Covid-19 variant is currently rampant in the United Kingdom according to official data which has been released by Public Health England (PHE) in an attempt to justify the continuation of draconian restrictions on the lives of the British people.

However, we wonder if they realise that the very same data PHE released shows us that people who have received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have an 885% higher chance of dying of Covid-19 than of those who are unvaccinated?

The PHE report which can be viewed here shows that between the 1st February 2021 and the 21st June 2021 a total of 92,029 confirmed cases of the Delta variant had been confirmed.

Of these 58.4% were people who had not been vaccinated, totalling 53,822.

A further 7.8% were people who had received both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, totalling 7,235.

A further 14.9% were people who had received one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine at least three weeks prior to testing positive for the Delta Covid variant, totalling 13,715.

And a further 6.78% were people who had received one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine less than three weeks prior to testing positive for the Delta Covid variant, totalling 6,242.

As per the above table taken from the Public Health England report we can see that the number of positive cases of the Delta variant in people who are unvaccinated outnumber the number of positive cases of the Delta variant in people who are fully vaccinated by around 7.4 to 1.

This difference probably gives you the impression that the Covid-19 jabs are working fantastically? Well don’t get too excited.

Because if we take the number of people who have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine – 27,192, we can see that the number of people who are unvaccinated, who have tested positive for the Delta variant only outnumber people who have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine by around 1.97 to 1.

They don’t seem so fantastic now do they?

But how do have these alleged confirmed cases of the alleged Delta Covid-19 variant translated into hospitalisations? Well thankfully Public Health England tell us within their report.

As per the above table we can see that of the 53,822 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who were unvaccinated, 831 presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight inpatient admission. This accounts for 1.54% of the confirmed cases in people who are unvaccinated.

However, of the 7,235 confirmed cases of the Delta variant in people who are fully vaccinated people, 190 presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight inpatient admission. This accounts for 2.6% of the confirmed cases in people who are fully vaccinated.

This data, which has been published by Public Health England, shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 70.1% higher chance of being hospitalised with the alleged Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.

None of the Covid-19 vaccines have been proven to prevent infection or prevent the spread of the alleged Covid-19 virus. Instead they have allegedly been proven to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death, but even then the study carried out is highly questionable.

It doesn’t look like the Covid-19 vaccines are doing what they say on the tin, does it? Perhaps they’re doing their job at reducing the risk of death, thankfully Public Health England have provided the data for us to find out.

As per the above table we can see that of the 53,822 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who are unvaccinated, 44 have sadly died. This accounts to 0.07% of confirmed cases in the people who are unvaccinated.

However, of the 7,235 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who had received both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and were therefore fully vaccinated, 50 have sadly died. This accounts to 0.69% of confirmed cases in people who are fully vaccinated.

This data, which again has been published by Public Health England, shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 885.7% higher chance of dying due to the Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.

Now that definitely isn’t what the Covid-19 vaccines said they would do on the tin.

Is this evidence of antibody-dependent enhancement? One senior researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory –  Stephanie Seneff, seems to think so.

ADE blighted previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines and frequently resulted in enhanced lung disease among vaccinated lab animals. It led researchers in 2012 to advise scientists to proceed with “caution” for any human coronavirus vaccines which could lead to enhanced lung disease. 

Seneff said research has shown that coronavirus vaccines alter the ways immune systems respond to infection and can activate other sleeping infections in the vaccinated person.

“It is conceivable to me that the laser-beam specificity of the induced antibodies is offset by a general weakening of innate immunity,” Seneff said.  

“I also suspect that massive vaccination campaigns may accelerate the rate at which the vaccine-resistant mutant strains become dominant among all the SARS-CoV-2 strains.” 

Considering the fact 45 million people have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in the United Kingdom at the time of writing, it looks like we’re in for one hell of a winter crisis.


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97 thoughts on “Fully vaccinated people have a 885% higher chance of death due to Covid-19 than people who are unvaccinated according to official data

  1. This is wildly misleading. The “885%” is simply stated with absolutely no explanation of how this number was found. The difference between 0.69% and 0.07% is nowhere near 885x.


    1. You vaxx idiots can’t even do simple math. 0,69 is 9,86 times higher than 0,07. Remove one (so as not to count 0,07 twice) and you have 8,86, which when turned into percentages is 886%.

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      1. Give the Vaxx people a break. The spike proteins have invaded all their major organs, including the brain. The lymphocytes have attacked their brain, so millions or billions of brain cells have been destroyed. Math that they could do, before taking the vaccines, can no longer be done afterwards, due to brain damage.


      1. Look there are enough real facts to spread about the failure of vaccines and lockdowns instead of stating crap. In some countries we have 90 percent of the vulnerable vaccinated so of course they will feature more in the deaths. The issue
        Is that these vaccines require one to submit to shots for the rest of your life. I’d rather trust my own immunity.

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      1. Hello, not sure of the 885% but the rest of the numbers and percentages are right and the chart DOES have ages in it if you want to look at that more closely. The fact that so may unvaccinated cases have such a low hospitalization rate and death rate is GOOD–natural immunity is superior. It is likely more vaccinated are older, but it still doesn’t look effective.

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    1. Yah, because doctors who misspell are stupid right? Oh sorry, I said doctor, so you automatically assume they are right hahahahahaha


  2. This article shows a complete misunderstanding of the statistics. To calculate the effectiveness of the vaccines, you need to take into account how many people in the population have been vaccinated or not. You can’t just look at the absolute numbers.


    1. Hmm, well more people are becoming infected these days in certain places who are vaccinated with very high vaccination rates. Like Israel. Which just doesn’t make sense if they work at all. That just shouldn’t happen in countries with 90% vaccination rates to have a surge there. The unvaccinated just can’t figure in to that if the vaccines work at all. They might need the total number of people vaccinated but then many are older people who do not socialize so that is not apples to apples with young unvaccinated people who are running around college, etc.. It’s more interesting to see how well it protects once you get it. Not very well. It seems not worth the risk when natural immunity will achieve herd immunity better and longer and nobody knows long term effects of vaccines. And they don’t work. Leaky vaccines can cause more virulent mutations. Lots of unknowns. And lots of science they censor.

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      1. If vaccinated people get infected, then mostly they will have a mild form of the disease. The data from Israel shows that the vaccines are effective at preventing people from getting seriously ill and dying from Covid. And many studies show that being vaccinated significantly reduces the chance of getting infected with Covid at all.


        1. Not in our experience. Everyone vaccinated we know here in Elk Rapids got covid and one died. My brother was very sick but used therapeutics and antibody treatment. And we really don’t know that, anyway, do we if they are calling everyone with one shot “unvaccinated” instead of even breaking it down like in the UK. It could be ADE enhanced pathology or some vaccine injury–not studied. If you feel good about having your body make spike proteins which Salk studies show are at least as dangerous as the virus, that’s up to you, but don’t try to push it on other people.

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        2. In the USA, during the last 6 months of the year 2021, death from all causes is up 40% above average in people aged 18 – 64. This has never happened, since life insurance companies have been keeping records. A 10% increase in deaths happens once in a 200 year period.


        3. You state that you are a stastiscal scientist, and obviously love the vax. Steve Kirsch has an ongoing offer of 1 million dollars to any professional in science dealing with covid and the vaccines to an open debate. You should take him up on it if you are so sure of yourself. No one has yet even the dean of MIT refuses to put any of their people up. PS he has 2 degress from MIT and gives th millions. Might be all that you need to know.

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      2. It’s simply not true that getting vaccinated “is not worth the risk”. The risks of getting vaccinated are tiny. The risk posed by Covid is much higher. All the data we have shows that the vaccines do a great job of keeping people out of hospital and dying from Covid. Of course there are some exceptions, especially amongst those who are elderly or have other health issues, but on the whole the vaccines are working.


        1. Sorry you really do not know the long term risks. Nobody does. And Salk study is enough to worry people that it’s not good your body is making spike proteins. So you have no right to persuade people to do something that has had no long term studies. If YOU want to do it, it’s fine. And I understand people with health problems or age making that decision, but you simply have no right to mandate such a thing or even try to persuade people to do it. It’s irresponsible.

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          1. Most issues with vaccines, if there are any, arise within the first 30 days of getting the shot. It would be exceptionally rare for a vaccine to cause health problems a long time after getting vaccinated. Billions of doses of the Covid vaccines have been distributed over the past year. We know they are safe for the overwhelming majority of people. It’s irresponsible and foolish to try to talk people out of using the vaccines as Covid is so much more dangerous.


            1. HELLO, what is it you do not understand about LONG TERM testing. Most vaccines take TEN years to study and develop, five is a bare bare minimum. YOU OBVIOUSLY have no idea of long term effects of our bodies making spike proteins, so don’t pretend you do. And neither does this government. You have NO CLUE. Ad the fact you all think you can decide things for others and not just yourself is the HEIGHT of hubris. I guess you fit in well with the fascist socialists, but this should be obvious to any fool that NOBODY knows long term effects of this.

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              1. You are mistaken. The Covid vaccines went through 3 stages of clinical trials, just like other vaccines. The technology in the mRNA vaccines was also under development for many years before Covid came along, so it’s not new.


                1. Good GOD, look it up! The average time for vaccines to be approved is TEN freaking years. Some longer a few shorter. You are an idiot, clearly. This has NOT gone through long term studies like most vaccines.

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                2. And YES, it IS new on humans. It has NEVER been used or studied LONG TERM. The technology has NEVER been used on humans before or STUDIED long term. If you can’t get that, there is nothing anyone can do for you.

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            2. What you can’t seem to grasp but is obvious to any third grader is that even if clinal trials are accelerated, the population can’t be studied for long term side effects, duh, and they are even trying to eliminate their control group, they are not even considering things like the ADE effect or the Merek effect in chickens, where these vaccines could actually force the virus to be more virulent. That’s WHY the five-ten years is needed. You do not know and neither do THEY, whether a new variant could cause an ADE effect in those vaccinated and increase pathology. Some scientists think that might be happening already. Too early to tell. But you need the freaking TIME to get long term side effect data. I should think even someone as idiotic as you would be able to see that.

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              1. Serious adverse events associated with the vaccines are extremely rare. The chance of a fatal reaction to the vaccines is about 1 in a million. Covid kills 1 in 100. It’s rather odd you seem concerned with hypothetical long-term health risks which may or may not happen with the vaccines, but have nothing to say about the very real and demonstrated risk to health and life caused by Covid. I suggest you start getting your information from better sources rather than Del Bigtree and Bitchute.


                  1. The article you quoted says this:

                    “Before going further, the conclusion in this article is that Covid-19 vaccines are still most likely safe. It’s not 100% safe as some at-risk people may show allergic or other unpleasant reactions to it.”

                    “Besides, mRNA is short-lived, which makes our cells produce the coded proteins for about 48-hour only. So, any side effects of mRNA vaccines will be observable within a few days.”

                    The article was published in December 2020. Since then, we’ve got 10 months more data which shows the vaccines are safe.


                    1. I TOLD you it was the most honest. I notice you didn’t quote the parts where they said they don’t know for sure, that they are LIKELY safe, and that autopsies show damage and animals do and in vitro. I posted it because it was pro vaccine and at least FAIR, admits the risks, but you chose to cherry pick it. Typical liberal garbage. Unreal.

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                    2. It also discusses why people have reservations, that they all use the spike protein and the Salk studies give one pause. Whatever. You do what you want to–that’s your choice — but YOU and NO government has the right to impose it on other people and especially without long term data which we do NOT have. Just mind your own business.

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  3. So my two pence, comparing vax to unvax is a bit problematic, of course the majority of the unvax will not endup in hospital, they are under 40 and 30, most of the vax are towards the higher age scale.
    Does this say anything for or against the vaccine, yes, that if you are relatively young and healthy the vaccine is useless. Sure some will end up in hospital, some will die, but hey some do as they ride a bicycle, cross a road, catch a flu, slip in the shower, etc…
    Lets stop the paranoia


    1. Plenty of younger people end up with long-term health problems caused by Covid and some also need hospitalisation or die. Also, being vaccinated makes you far less likely to get infected in the first place and so you are less likely to pass the virus on to older people who are more vulnerable. So no, vaccinating younger people is not “useless”.


    2. I agree it’s almost impossible to tell how effective these vaccines really are and obviously we have no idea of long term health risks vs. the real virus which is likely much different for young people as well. Nightmare thing. But those actual numbers once people get it probably indicate the vaccine doesn’t do much good for those in poor health and those in good health might be better off to skip it–it obviously would achieve a more robust herd immunity situation. Crazy. Obviously Denmark, Sweden, and Finland think anyone under 30 (I’d probably go 40) should not get the vaccine unless they have health problems.

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            1. Everything I said is NOT factually wrong. There are NO long term studies. Salk DID warn against spike proteins. They claim it’s no worry, but I don’t believe that. And they are pausing some vaccines. That doesn’t mean they CANNOT get it, they are just not pushing people. They have concerns. Who are YOU to say otherwise. Where do you get off pushing it on other people.

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  4. Make no mistake. The Gates/Fauchi depop injection works! It is doing exactly what it was designed to do. KILL. This is genocide and the quick deaths will be less painful then the slow deaths. I now know 12 people that died after the fake vaccine and know NO ONE who died from the mild WuFlu!

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    1. Ann gets it. I’m quite inclined to say the covid vaccine is simply a precursor to U.N. agenda 2030. It’s important to remember the pope will be addressing the U.N. on November 1. What was the estimated buy in cost to agenda 2030? Approximately 3-4 trillion $. Definitely makes you wonder about that new infrastructure bill they’ve been pushing recently.


      1. Yes, and full of vaccinated people who also died of covid — we have friends. And they are full of people who died of the vaccine — we also have friends. So you decide what is best for you and don’t tell other people what to do.

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      2. The vast majority of people who are seriously ill in hospital today are unvaccinated. And it is my business because the actions of the unvaccinated affect others. If more people were vaccinated, then life could return much more back to normal and many of the restrictions put in place to deal with Covid could be lifted.


        1. You clearly have NO ability to study data. On the cruise ships, in Denmark, UK, Cornell University — vaccines have obviously INCREASED infectivity. Big surges are in ALL the highly vaccinated areas. That could be ALL our business and it is when this bullshit is mandated. Vaccines are clearly increasing the spread as they predicted in Japan. They also admitted in the beginning vaccines can cause mutations –now you are thrown off social media for saying what Fauci said early on. They have NO idea what is happening and this is being used politically. Study actual data. If vaccines worked, there would not be surges in places that are nearly 100% vaccinated. They would go DOWN even if they were partly efficacious. They are not. They MIGHT lessen the severity of cases and that is YOUR business to risk your long term health on that, but you are NOT risking mine.

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          1. I’m a professional data scientist. My ability to study and analyse data is quite adequate, thank you. There isn’t any doubt amongst any serious scientists that the Covid vaccines lessen the severity of symptoms for the vast majority of people. People who say otherwise are simply misinformed.


            1. You need a better job because you cannot explain why the surges are worse in highly vaccinated areas–there is NO explanation for that –, almost totally vaccinated groups. And you can’t deny vaccines can cause mutations, either. Fauci and many scientists talked openly about this when they wanted to attack Trump. Now, crickets. And there are a LOT of variables on disease severity and obesity and other comorbidities. In my personal experience, way more people have gotten covid VACCINATED, ONE died from heart attack after second shot, one died of Covid vaccinated, one got Bell’s Palsy from the shot and six months later sitll looks like Quasi-modo, one was hospitalized a week with neurological auto-immune issues after the booster, two young women had heart issues. One had a miscarriage – the last might be coincidence, but not the rest. In contrast, we know one person unvaccinated who died but we don’t know his health history. Or even his weight. So they have not convinced me it lessens disease severity, either. Aaron Rodgers is right — if they shut down discussion — even from people who have expertise in the field — it’s propaganda, not science. That will change soon because clearly Omicron will not respond at all to vaccines and might end this nightmare — there is scientific precedent that if you leave it alone, it will mutate milder (because there is more competition in mutations) — and it seems to be doing that in S. Africa pretty quickly. You cannot deny any of this is possible. So you have no right to impose your unstudied drugs (and they have NOT been studied long term) on anyone else.

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              1. All sorts of factors go into why some areas see higher infection rates than others including the degree of social mixing, the population density, the level to which the population is vaccinated, the amount of the virus circulating in neighbouring communities, the degree to which that community has been infected previously, etc. So you can’t draw any reliable conclusions by looking at the level of vaccination alone. And anecdotal evidence about the individuals you know is also very poor quality. To understand the impact of the vaccines, you need to look at thousands of cases, not just a handful of people you know and whose cases have not been thoroughly investigated.

                As far as the infection rates are concerned, you are largely missing the point anyway because the main stated purpose of the vaccines is to reduce the severity of the disease and reduce the chance of death in those who are infected. The evidence that the vaccines are highly effective at doing those things is overwhelming, even against newer variants such as omicron.


                1. Oh that’s just bologna and you all know it. Highly vaccinated areas should not have surges like that unless the vaccines don’t work at all. You liberals and logic do not collide in the same sentence often. Ok, let’s say you are right — (you aren’t) but let’s say you are. Population is so high it spreads germs more or some idiot thing. The stated purpose is to lessen disease. You say. You can’t prove it isn’t the vaccinated causing these mutations, not with science, you can’t. And if it lessens disease YOU are protected. The ONLY reason you could ever have to force your garbage on other people is: 1. The vaccine actually keeps you from being infected; rather only unvaccinated people are spreading this (obviously opposite) and 2. the vaccine actually is eradicating disease that the unvaccinated are perpetuating. Both clearly not true. I have as much science behind me to believe it is YOU cutting down on milder variant competition and/or increasing infectivity as the Japanese projected. So protect yourself and shut the F up. You liberals just LOVE to run other peoples’ lives. Or I should say you elitists — a few conservative idiots do this, too. But odds are you are a leftist. or Liberal — I know how you like to make minute distinctions.

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                2. Also, anecdotal evidence matters to the person having it. I’m 65 years old and know of maybe ONE injury from flu vaccines. NOTHING like this. Not only do more people I know vaccinated get sick, more of them are dead due to this vaccine or injured. This is NOT safe for people. You cannot guarantee that or come close to it.

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  5. The crux of the matter is the disease is misdiagnosed (it was never ‘viral’) and all the following statistics are fradulent (based on PCr). We are sucked into arguing about numbers that don’t represent what they say they represent. ‘covid’ is simply an amalgam label overlaid on a large number of disease representations occuring in a wide variety of the population due to a combination of chemical, electrical, psychological and nutritional stressors (or combination thereoff).It’s like going into a hospital and just putting a random label on any cluster of ‘disease representations’ they decide to call ‘covid’. it’s totally arbitrary


  6. Corona viruses have been studied since the 1960s. The vaccine for Sars and Mers were made over the last 20 years. This vaccine is using that and making adjustments it has gone for plenty of testing

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  7. Interesting debate. I’m with lynnfay73. . .and the probability that the ‘Infrastructure Bill’ is most likely the cost of buying into AGENDA 2030.

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  8. Actually, I could have said that a bit better: You have to prove the vaccine is a sterilizing one or close and 2, that YOU are not the ones passing it around before you tell other people what to put in their bodies. You can’t do either one.

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    1. I have no idea what you mean by a sterilizing vaccine.

      The bottom line is that the unvaccinated are the ones who are predominantly filling up hospitals and so are preventing others from getting the treatment they need. So not only is it stupid not to get vaccinated, it’s also extremely selfish.


      1. Connect the dots here, Mr. Science. Finally they are just starting to tell the truth. And if this infectivity is huge, that changes ALL your statistics. It’s way more contagious among vaccinated people but no more among unvaccinated. So if it’s evading the vaccine, YOU are causing the mutations and we’re just freaking LUCKY so far it hasn’t mutated more lethally since you’ve cut down on the competition. And it still might. The way out of this was vaccinating only the most vulnerable and letting natural immunity deal with this. Idiots creating it and we’ll be lucky if they don’t kill us all. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/12/31/1067702355/omicron-is-spreading-like-wildfire-scientists-are-trying-to-figure-out-why

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  9. https://www.verywellhealth.com/covid-19-vaccines-and-sterilizing-immunity-5092148

    You have NO idea what this is doing to especially young people long term or if people with auto-immune issues like my son and I are candidates for this. YOU are the selfish and arrogant people. You claim to know things you can’t know and you are imposing YOUR will on other people. It may end up it is US “taking it for the team” and YOU who are sheep followers and cowards.

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    1. I’m not imposing my will on anyone. If people want to run the risk of dying of a plague in spite of modern medicine, that is up to them. But I reserve the right to say it’s idiotic and selfish. If people can’t take the vaccine for medical reasons, then my comments aren’t directed at them, but most anti-vaxxers don’t fall into that category.


      1. Clearly you believe the vaccines are worth your risk and you have a right to your opinion. Mandates are something else. You (no government) has the right to force untested drugs on people when they can’t even prove they stop the spread. They are ruining our children’s lives, ruining our economy and stepping all over our civil rights. So I presume you are against mandates then. I suspect this will get uglier and uglier now that none of them will stop Omicron and they are still doubling down on this insanity. Needs to stop.

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      2. My triple vaxed husband with no comorbidaties, very healthy, fireman, worked out daily and was in great physical shape. He and I tested positive for the virus on the same day. He passed from it after suffering for a month from covid 19. I on the other hand have asthma, am a former smoker and partier. I took antibiotics for it and am here to tell about it. I was sick for a week. The proof is in the pudding.


        1. I never took the jab. I am tired of people trying to say the vaccine works. Yes, it works in causing sever adverse reactions and death. People who give this experimental shot to their kids should be charged with child abuse. These are crimes against humanity and we have had enough!


          1. Thank you Lynnfay73. Thank you for speaking the truth and standing up to this horrible misinformation being spewed by so many. I normally don’t comment, but I am tired of staying silent. People need to start researching and wake up. By now a lot of the information has been hidden and it is hard to find the truth. This whole thing disgusts me.

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  10. And actually we really do not know how many truly “unvaccinated” are in these hospitals since they don’t break out one shot or two shot people within those two weeks like they do in other countries. Could be they are ALL really vaccinated or most of them. Horrible data keeping and analysis of all this.

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    1. In most developed countries, the minority of people who are totally unvaccinated make up a majority of Covid cases in the ICU and usually in the hospital. The unvaccinated are massively more likely to need hospital care than those who are vaccinated. There is nothing wrong with the record-keeping.


      1. That actually is not true. In UK way more people dying and hospitalized who are vaccinated. Hard data. They are messing with those statistics to claim way fewer per 100,000 people and all this — they can make those statistics say anything they want to but the hospitals are mostly full of vaccinated people and more of them dying. Here we don’t keep records at least publicly how many are one shot or less than two weeks after two shots. So I doubt it. I’ll take the hard data and the fact that cases are soaring more in vaccinated areas. If cases were going DOWN in highly vaccinated places, I might be more compelled to look at percentages, but if it’s increasing infectivity to start with, that is not figured in. You just follow along like a sheep. See how that works out long term.

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        1. The idea that the statistics are being manipulated is conspiracy theory nonsense. You need to get your information from more reliable sources.


          1. Ok, Mr. Science. If an area is 98% vaccinated and you are actually INCREASING infectivity and MORE cases, SURGES, so you have more of ALL people infected (obviously the vaccinated since they outnumber the unvaccinated by a LOT in the UK and all other highly vaccinated places), HOW is that figured into this equation. The Japanese warned it could increase contagion. If that is happening, HOW does that affect your statistics? So I look at highly vaccinated areas where cases should be DOWN not surging and look at hard data because they are not accounting for infectivity rates. Not a word about it, yet we know load in a vaccinated person’s nose is even higher than unvaccinated. Only people not passing it are natural immunity people (when it was Delta) and that will be the same with Omicron immunity. THAT is what wills top this. You ought to know they can make statistics do anything they want and they are. There’s plenty of money and power behind all this and you seem smart enough you should be considering that.

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            1. Vaccines do not increase infectiousness. All the evidence available shows that vaccines reduce the chance of getting infected, and if people don’t get infected, then they can’t pass on the virus. If there are certain areas which have high vaccination levels and also high levels of infection, then there are other reasons responsible, such as higher than average levels of social mixing.


            2. If the Covid vaccines don’t work, then why is the UK seeing about 20 times less Covid deaths per day on average than it did at the same time last year, despite there being a very large number of daily infections at the moment in the UK? The reason is that most of the infections which are currently happening in that country are in vaccinated people and so are mild.


              1. You are wrong. Studies do NOT show efficacy. It really is not even being studied. They are only talking about cases per 100,000 without studying a true contagion factor. Mark my words. You’ll hear about that eventually. And the deaths and hospitalizations are down because Omicron is much milder. In S. Africa it was milder on everyone. Including unvaccinated. They do NOT work. And they are causing your body to make spike proteins over and over which is terrible for you. Causes blood clots and heart damage. So keep doing that every six months and see how that works out for you. It won’t. Lots of young people dying suddenly all over “at home.” Most of them in their 40’s and 50’s.

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                1. The spike protein is not manufactured “over and over” by your body, it is manufactured for a limited time while the tiny small amount of vaccine is still present in your body. As soon as the vaccine is metabolised and the RNA is processed, then production of the spike protein also stops. The protective effect comes from the ability of your immune system to learn and remember how to recognise the spike protein during the limited time it is in your body.


                  1. Oh for GOD”S sake, it’s manufactured EVERY time you get boosted and there’s evidence it can last a year even when it’s not protecting you anymore. It remains in the body from the disease, too, but there’s evidence the spike itself is not as concentrated and of course it provides immunity to 27 parts of the illness; the vaccine provides one. Considering it doesn’t WORK and natural immunity does, you have no idea the long term effects of that. NOBODY DOES.

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                    1. You can curse at me all you like, but there is no evidence for your claims at all.

                      “The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) estimates that the spike proteins that were generated by COVID-19 vaccines last up to a few weeks, like other proteins made by the body. The immune system quickly identifies, attacks and destroys the spike proteins because it recognizes them as not part of you.”



              2. And it just defies logic that in places 90% vaccinated cases would surge and it would be more vaccinated. WHICH IT IS. They are just saying the percentage is lower per 100,000. That just makes no sense if almost everybody is vaccinated. None.

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          2. It isn’t a conspiracy when people who are close to you start dying from this. In a one week period I had one male friend die in his sleep. He was vaxed and boosted. My husband also vaxed and boosted died after a month long battle with covid. These are facts not conspiracy. This isn’t a game or a contest here. We all need to come together. United we stand.

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  11. Trying to gain immunity from Covid via natural infection isn’t better, because many people will die or get seriously ill in the process. I’d rather get the immunity without the disease or risk of death. This is especially true for those over the age of 60, who are at increased risk from the disease. Choosing the risk of natural infection over the vaccine is just a very poor decision.


    1. I should have said the spike proteins themselves (I won’t bother to find the Salk study itself, this references it), damages the vascular system and the heart and you KEEP doing it over and over. Lots of disagreement how long the spikes are in the body, but they DAMAGE it. That’s a given. And you don’t get immunity out of it like you do from the real thing and possibly greater damage. If you want to keep doing that, its your business. https://michaelsavage.com/bad-news-covid-spike-protein-itself-damages-cells-salk-institute/

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    2. Saying “for God’s sake” is not swearing, let alone at you. And no, if Omicron ends up being a bad cold, I might be much better off getting it than damaging my vascular system over and over with that un-studied vaccine. Same people made the damn thing in a lab and now they are the experts.

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    3. Saying “for God’s sake” is not swearing at anyone. And NO, if Omicron is milder (which we don’t know for sure) natural immunity might be a much better decision for long term health. If you aren’t obese, vitamin D levels over 60, no diabetes, etc. You think you have no risk?

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      1. The risk with the vaccines is minimal. Omicron might present as a bad cold to someone who is vaccinated, but it still has the potential to put people in hospital, especially if they are unvaccinated. A study of 78,000 omicron cases in South Africa found that two shots of the Pfizer vaccine cut the risk of hospitalisation by 70% across all age groups.



        1. You have NO idea of long-term risks or repeated damage to heart or vascular system from spike proteins so stop pretending you do. NOBODY knows that. Autopsies show these proteins in the brain as well and evidence of auto-immune damage.

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        2. Also, we plan to use therapeutics. We are all eligible for antibodies (Delta one available if idiot Biden doesn’t restrict it). We use saline sprays, and dilluted peroxide/iodiine mixtures nebulized just when we have been in contact with people. Quercetin, Zinc, vitamin D, H1 and H2 blockers and ivermectin if we get infected. Aspirin. We aren’t sitting here until we’re half dead. And we have doctors overseeing us — family doctors. If we need steroids. All my kids got through fine mostly, one had a steroid reaction who got a very mild pneumonia with Delta. My other kids sailed through. So you do your thing and take your chances on vascular damage and heart damage and clotting issues over and over. We will do a different route. Actually, I spent hours in an emergency room in Detroit area two weeks ago with my son because of the steroid reaction and no sleep for him for five nights, two nights for ten hours each in emergency rooms with Delta and Omicron both there and never got it since I used nose spray, peroxide mouthwash, and prophylactic ivermectin – very low dose. So we will watch and see. We are not anti-vax–we are discriminating vaxxers and this one is not safe. Not sure about the anti-virals since they are so new, so prefer drugs we know are safe, have been used for years that have anti-viral properties like ivermectin or black cumin seed.

          Liked by 2 people

  12. Reasons I’m not taking the vaccine:

    Dr’s who’ve have raised concerns at huge cost to their reputations and careers – are cancelled and censored,
    Including the chief ex scientist at Pfizer.
    and a Dr who made part of the type of technology used in the vaccine.

    I’ve watched the TV as Dr’s said, when a women had gone deaf after taking the first one and was worried – told to just go and get her second jab.
    Not a Dr but even I know that’s just awful advice.
    This was on ‘This morning itv ‘ in uk.

    35 thousand women reported changes to their periods ( look in several papers online) someone I knew had uk vaccine and had a lot if problems after including this.
    ( this is the real reason for the vaccine in my opinion. )

    The uk prime minister says a comment about greed and the vaccine, it’s questioned for 2 days then forgotten about – but an anti vaccine celebrity seems to be demonised and cancelled for an opinion.

    Why is the vaccine targetting certain groups a lot more than others.
    Is this normal or not?
    It seems strange to me, but I really Don’t know.

    Most of all there is a good treatment and it went before Congress, they shut it down because it got in the way of the vaccine.
    Just wicked!

    So many famous people have had all the latest vaccines and got it covid badly or died.

    Anyway, if you trust the experts on this – they say don’t get it.
    So I’m not.

    Even on c4 documentarie in the uk, They had information on one of the vaccine companies websites about it causing cancer.

    I haven’t really looked into it much yet, but other can.

    Wasn’t one vaccine meant to be 85% effective and against future strains – it’s worked so well, people have had three and it’s still an epidemic.
    Just weird

    If the government here( uk ( really wanted to stop it, they would stop the plans carrying the latest type, not give it a week first. Lol

    Or sending ill old people back k to homes. Awful,
    I will enjoy watching the court cases against them in 10 / 20 years
    And against these companies for this.


    1. Those are a lot of good reasons. Some risk to not doing it, but it seems to make more sense since they don’t work and nobody knows long term effects of it — some risk to long covid as well, but the immunity is better and there are some treatments, vitamin drips, etc. for spike protein and antibody problems.


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