They Are Coming For Your Assets

Feb 2 2024 A stark warning from Catherine Austin Fitts and the ‘Financial Rebellion’ team: “There is an effort underway in the banking system to exercise complete control of you and your life.” They share real-life examples of ‘debanking,’ credit card restrictions and more, stating, “This is how they’re going to take your assets…dictate yourContinue reading “They Are Coming For Your Assets”

The Great Taking – The Plan To Hand Over YOUR Assets To The Banksters

oct 8 2023 This video was sent to me a few days ago. I have watched it several times & absolutely agree with the analysis. It is essential that you watch this video to understand what is going on at this time. I have spoken many times about the land structure in the UK &Continue reading “The Great Taking – The Plan To Hand Over YOUR Assets To The Banksters”