8 jan 2023 Here at Rightsandfreedoms we use Tor browser, Brave and Chromium. For search engine Presearch, SearX, and Metager. STEP 15 OF THE GLOBAL WALKOUT IS TO DELETE INTERNET BROWSERS LIKE CHROME, SAFARI, FIREFOX, EDGE AND DUCKDUCKGO…AND START EXCLUSIVELY USING BRAVE. A little about BRAVE and how to make the switch. The internet isContinue reading “STEP 15 – LET’S PROTECT OUR DATA MORE”


10 nov 2022 Part 1 May 29th, 2022. LAW FOR MANKIND SPECIAL MAY 2022 THE SOVEREIGN Part 2 nov 10, 2022 INTRODUCING: The Law For Mankind Open Q & A Clinic Your Biggest Questions About Law And Sovereignty Answered (Plus The 4 Keys We Discovered To Be Free In The World) Event Replay What DoContinue reading “LAW FOR MANKIND SPECIAL”

Debunking woke vaccine claims

aug 2022 Debunking woke vaccine claims. “The vaccine protects yourself and others.”– No. (click!) “The vaccine reduces the degree of transmission.”– No. (click!) “The vaccine protects against a severe course of the disease.”– No. (click!) “The vaccine reduces the chances of getting Long Covid.”– No. (click!) The question that must be asked is what doesContinue reading “Debunking woke vaccine claims”

The State is no longer working to serve us and to protect our shared heritage

June 5th, 2022 What we are witnessing is no longer a State working to serve us and to protect our shared heritage, institutions, culture and way of life. Rather we are watching their deliberate destruction and dismantling ready for replacement with something else.

BREAKTHROUGH: Simple sunlight exposure can protect against severe and deadly COVID-19 infections – study

New research has found that getting sufficient levels of ambient ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation at an individual’s place of residence in the weeks before a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection has a strong protective effect against a severe case of the virus and even death. This study solidifies the role of vitamin D in protecting peopleContinue reading “BREAKTHROUGH: Simple sunlight exposure can protect against severe and deadly COVID-19 infections – study”

HOW to protect those who’ve been injected with the ”Vaccine”

Summary of the Spike Protein Protocol This is the updated protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those who’ve been injected. So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provideContinue reading “HOW to protect those who’ve been injected with the ”Vaccine””

How to Guard Against the Spike Protein Contagion Caused By The Covid Vaccinated

by Dr. Judy Mikovits POSSIBLE ANTIDOTE FOR THE V-SERUM AND THE CURRENT SPIKE PROTEIN CONTAGION State of the Nation Dr. Judy Mikovits (1 min. MP4 is attached) has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about the antidote to the contagion – acontagion that is now being seen today by thousands of people who haveContinue reading “How to Guard Against the Spike Protein Contagion Caused By The Covid Vaccinated”


The Police for Freedom international movement was launched in February 2021. It was inspired by the Spanish association “Policías Por La Libertad”, which was formed in 2020 to improve overall societal wellbeing in these difficult times – both for citizens, as well as members of the police, firefighters, security personnel and the military. The missionContinue reading “WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS SERVING AND PROTECTING OTHER HUMAN BEINGS”